Hi y'all! I'm in northwest Georgia (LaFayette/Walker County) I just started my flock this spring. I got my 8 23-week-old Buff girls from our local feed store. They started laying 2 1/2 weeks ago! :D I was going to stop there, but then the chicken math got ahold of me and my best friend and fellow chicken enthusiast have me a RIR/Ameracauna Roo, then I bought 4 Blue Ameracaunas from a local breeder, and THEN I bought 2 Red Stars, a Golden Laced Wyandotte, a Black Australorp, and 2 Salmon Favorelles... I am told by my husband that I am done. :/ but I have already started my list for the spring!

Anyway, does anyone know of any poultry clubs or shows in Georgia? I'm having a hard time finding people as crazy about their chickens as I am that love close.
Hi y'all! I'm in northwest Georgia (LaFayette/Walker County) I just started my flock this spring. I got my 8 23-week-old Buff girls from our local feed store. They started laying 2 1/2 weeks ago!
I was going to stop there, but then the chicken math got ahold of me and my best friend and fellow chicken enthusiast have me a RIR/Ameracauna Roo, then I bought 4 Blue Ameracaunas from a local breeder, and THEN I bought 2 Red Stars, a Golden Laced Wyandotte, a Black Australorp, and 2 Salmon Favorelles... I am told by my husband that I am done.
but I have already started my list for the spring!

Anyway, does anyone know of any poultry clubs or shows in Georgia? I'm having a hard time finding people as crazy about their chickens as I am that love close.

Your husband may not be crazy about the chickens but he is DEFINITELY going to frown upon crazy chicken people loving close to you. Just saying...
Hi y'all! I'm in northwest Georgia (LaFayette/Walker County) I just started my flock this spring. I got my 8 23-week-old Buff girls from our local feed store. They started laying 2 1/2 weeks ago! :D I was going to stop there, but then the chicken math got ahold of me and my best friend and fellow chicken enthusiast have me a RIR/Ameracauna Roo, then I bought 4 Blue Ameracaunas from a local breeder, and THEN I bought 2 Red Stars, a Golden Laced Wyandotte, a Black Australorp, and 2 Salmon Favorelles... I am told by my husband that I am done. :/ but I have already started my list for the spring!

Anyway, does anyone know of any poultry clubs or shows in Georgia? I'm having a hard time finding people as crazy about their chickens as I am that love close.

There are several meet up groups that are chicken meet ups. They are poultry groups who meet every month and talk chicken. In fact, one group is having a coop show, or whatever you call it. Where you go to people's home and see their coops. I will try to post those tomorrow. Have to get the info from my other computer.
There are several meet up groups that are chicken meet ups. They are poultry groups who meet every month and talk chicken. In fact, one group is having a coop show, or whatever you call it. Where you go to people's home and see their coops. I will try to post those tomorrow. Have to get the info from my other computer.
Yes, please! I would love the information! That sound right up our alley!
Well, I just totaled my eggs for the month of August. Way down!

June: 374
July: 335
Aug: 271

So I got 103 less eggs in Aug than I did in June! Got on the internet and found several reasons that may apply to me. I ruled out parasites. No mites or worms. Here are my most probable causes:

1 & 2: Change in brands and type (mash or pellets) of food. I use to always use one type of food, then switched. First, I switched brands and then I switched to mixing pellets with mash. Apparently this makes a big difference to the hens. They don't like changes. Well, I was buying whatever was on sale, then switched to more expensive brands because they weren't laying with the cheaper stuff. I guess I will just need to stay with one and don't change.

3: Adding new chicks to the coop. I added new chicks (9) to the coop. The chicks stay all around the nesting boxes and haven't gotten up the nerve to go out into the yard yet. The door to the yard is always open during the day, but they are just now starting to dart out for 10 seconds and then run back in! According to this article, that can upset the whole pecking order enough to keep chickens from laying eggs.

4. I already told you I was feeding the hens all the renters left overs and I think they are getting too fat. So, they are only getting the salad and meat leftovers now. The fish and geese get the breads and other bad foods. Ha! We also have fat fish!

While the weather may have been hot, my chickens don't lay around and pant. They have mostly all shade with lots of water, so I don't think that is a major factor here, but FYI, in the summer, your chickens need lots of water to produce eggs. So, if your eggs are getting smaller, give them more water.

So I will see in the next month or so if I can get them to start laying more eggs again!

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