Now 4 pips but 1 little guy has pipped the wrong end...spotted a piece of shell on the floor of the bator and had a look. Sure enough, the little booger has gone for the pointy end.
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I know, Runner Ducks are so fun! And, they won't fly away! Here is one of my 2 1/2 month olds. I had hatched 4 eggs from ordered eggs. They were all males. Here is my favorite! He has beautiful colors! I have 2 fawn and white IR males for sell if anyone is looking for some!
View attachment 1049670
I updated my browser and the pics are working now. Those purple feathers are incredible. If you ever breed them to be solid purple, sign me up to be a duck owner!
Now 4 pips but 1 little guy has pipped the wrong end...spotted a piece of shell on the floor of the bator and had a look. Sure enough, the little booger has gone for the pointy end.
Hope they all come out! I know how sad it is to lose them so close to hatch! I sure do understand the saying, "Don't count your chickens before they hatch!"
Hope they all come out! I know how sad it is to lose them so close to hatch! I sure do understand the saying, "Don't count your chickens before they hatch!"
Now 6 of 7 have pipped. One pip at mid point of twin egg. Have to go watch the kids' end of vacation bible school performance!! How can I leave?!?!

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