As much as it pains me, we're probably going to have to reduce our flock in preparation for the move. If I can figure out how to construct secure hoop coops in short order, maybe we'll be able to take all the birds, but I have my doubts. I'll post more when I learn more.

Let me know if you need/want any help on either of those dates. I don't expect anything in return. BTW, I'll our new place is only 20 minutes away from yours.
There will be at least 2 more quail days and maybe a third and at least 1 chicken grow-out day.
If you want to come by and see how I built my hoop coops, feel free.
How far away is the place your going to from the place you are.

Tobasco Jack I would really be interested in learning. Your a drive from me but I may have to pick up my Silkies early from Bruce.
You're welcome to come. There will be a few more this fall. Will probably be doing a bunch of rabbits in early October
@sue25 , Our new place is about 45 minutes west of where we live now. Your Silkies are still safe with us until the Calhoun show, so please don't feel pressured to make a special trip on account of the birds. Although our move-in date is September 1st, we will be moving things in stages over the next month. The Silkies are easy to tuck away. It's all the other birds that are our concern. I'm tempted to sell most of the LF birds and just start over. I have to figure something out quickly. This move was totally unexpected.

I'll keep you posted! :thumbsup
If it helps, I've got 2 chicken crates you can use. They are the ones we used on Quail day. You can put 6 hens in one of them. Roosters don't fit very well. I use a dog crate for them.
If it helps, I've got 2 chicken crates you can use. They are the ones we used on Quail day. You can put 6 hens in one of them. Roosters don't fit very well. I use a dog crate for them.

Thanks Jack. I have eight large dog crates, so I have transport under control. My main concern is cooping and fencing. I'd like to take a look at your hoop coops. Although we officially move in on the 1st, I'm going to try to get permission to begin fencing and building coops. I'm so glad I bought a farm jack earlier this year. That's going to come in real handy pulling up t-posts.

For the hoop coops, if I can get some precise measurements, I'm going to try to pre-fabricate door and end frames so that I don't have to do any cutting on site. I have neither a generator nor access to power, so I'll be using a framing hammer and a manual staple gun to put everything together. I also need to figure out how to get my 10 x 12 coop transported to the new place. If you have any ideas, please let me know.

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