I had a broody that hatched 6 chicks, she left 2 eggs in the box so I candled them and one was pretty far along and kicking and the other well not so far along but I put them into the bator with my other eggs and I figured I'd try and stop turning the eggs for a day to let the one hatch, well guess it had other ideas cause I have a chirping baby this morning so healthy, and the others don't stop turning till the 14th.
Love those babies.:love
Hey, Vikingchickens! I'm right near Amicalola Falls State Park! What kind of chickens do you have??
Our son and a friend of his brought home 7 (sibling) adolescent game chickens in a cat carrier about a year ago last june. We aren't able to identify but feel they reflect a mix in addition to the oldest mix being that of Heinz 57 skittish gamehens. They kept to themselves near a farm are the circumstances I was told when they returned with their "booty" and frank and I have become attached. We have always just supplemented their free ranging. They roost in a tree in woods across cul-de-saq and if I knew the tree would wrap aluminum sheet around it. Though we'd like to convert a lean to into a coop so that any number of them could seek refuge at night, we recently had to order something immediately just to protect 3 remaining chicks and mama "Grouse" after an opossum attack. We had not seen her for about a year, but we see her sister and brother with 5 adolescents since spring, 3 hens and 2 roos. neither of us has ever been carpentry skilled but would like to be able to do much of the work ourselves. It would help to find an agreeable wizened senior willing to sit by and supervise from an armchair!
Good luck to all my chickens friends who will be effected by Irma! It looks like that means most of us! Even we in the North Georgia mountains are supposed to get 60 mile an hour winds!
Thank you from South Georgia - Valdosta. Preparing started today with a chicken wire wrap on the coops. Big blue barrel shelters inside the coops tomorrow.
The trees act more like a wind block here. All chickens are covered with heavy tarps and all have some kind of wind block to get to. Some limbs down steady rain but we're looking pretty good here so far.:fl
The wind is starting to pick up though.

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