Im here southern Bartow county, Cartersville Georgia. Two dogs two cats 14 chickens . 1 great wife. Who) got it better than me !
Hi Mandy,

I've been trying to reach you. I see you are selling off some of your flocks??? I'll email you again so can you look for it.

Thanks Sandi
Chatsworth, Georgia here!
Welcome Stines4... I love our Georgia board and everyone is SUPER friendly. Just got back from a trip to Mandy's (itsmyobsession) house and came home with a total of nine new chickens.. I turned towards Nancy's too.. but then I want to get my new chickens settled in their quarantee digs before dark.. plus I wanted to go to Nancy's with a clear back seat.. you never know what I might find at HER house.

All this is being said to let you know that there are a multitude of GA people that love chickens.. You might find someone really close to you.. or as in Nancy and Mandy's case.. worth the 2 hour drive..

Welcome again.. what kind of chickens do you have?

Shelly - Milner GA - south of Griffin
Shelly You were sooo close, but I know that wonderful birds of Mandy's needed a daylight settle in!.... I tell you I've been on a lot of nice wonderful groups before, but I must admit our GA group is so friendly and helpful! We had a great sales day and had a BYC visitor drive over 5 hours to get all our lavendar orpington babies, beautiful Wheaten marans and some of those super fun Easter Eggers and a very "sharky" imprinted little hen! Well, long day since waking up at 4:00 am... Hope all of you are have a wonderful and blessed weekend! I'm looking forward to Sunday! One day of rest, praise and worship....! Chat with all of you later. Nancy
Hello everyone! I've been on BYC for a little bit now but have never introduced myself here! I'm from south Georgia -- watermelon country -- and have had chickens since last year. I wanted 4 or so, ended up with 9, lost a few, got some more, and I have 35 coming on Wednesday. I guess that's chicken math?!

And I'm quickly becoming addicted to BYC. My current pastime is seeing if I can guess the genders (according to the "experts") in the gender/breed forum!

Glad to have great chicken support!
Welcome to the GA forum acrossthebranch
My son and grandson currently live in Valdosta.. I am RIGHT off of I-75 - exit 201. My address says Milner but I am in a triangle between Jackson/Barnesville and Milner (which is a tiny dot on the map..lol)

Chicken math can be tricky..Just a short year ago - I started with 7 - a rehomed rooster with 6 hens thrown in.. now through various events.. a predator attack, two orders to a hatchery (the second was never suppose to happen but I wanted some Silver Laced Wyndottes and can't get shipped eggs to hatch), my newly claimed status as a hatchaholic.. three broody hens , and helping Mandy and Nancy share their wonderful chickens.. I now have "a bunch" ...

I too seem a bit obsessed with BYC. My main computer is in the room with the little chick brooder, the hatcher and one incubator..so I call myself checking on the chickens when in reality, I am checking on BYC.

Welcome again.. what kind of chickens do you have?

jc12551 - sorry I am not and actually have no idea where Broxton is..
Hi to everyone, new and established!! I only have a minute to post, but I wanted to let y'all know that my Hubby made it home from his third deployment yesterday! ^_^ Thanks to all those who sent PMs of their appreciation and good wishes! I'll catch up here in a few days. I hope you all had a great weekend and have a wonderful week!

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