Oh yes!!! LOL, I want some Marans and some blue laced red wyandottes and some buff laced brahmas and some Ameracaunas......hehehehehe
Hello to all...Busy day yesterday from 4:00 am or so until eating evening meal just before 11:00 pm and up at 5:00 am to start again.... Farmers live crazy schedules!!!

Poultry is addictive. Hatching is addictive. Checking in on YO Georgians is addictive, because I was supposed to have made yogurt and cheese and the fixings for ice cream tonight....Well yogurt and mozarella cheese were made, but gotta go make that ice cream before evening chores!!!!!

I gotta eggs if anyone needs some....Our gals just don't stop laying...... We still have some lavendar orpington eggs, easter eggers (with Lavendar ameraucana rooster over one of the pens)
wheaten marans, delawares, speckled sussex, Oodles of turkey hatching eggs, duck eggs, RIR, white leghorn, BBS Orpington, BBS marans, silkies about ready to send eggs And pumpkin hulseys and later this season, will have coronation sussex.....Just when I think they're in a rhytmn, they stop again!!!! Hatching out a lot of pretty babies around here too!

Well, if I want Ice cream, I need to go make some!!!! In this weather, as my sainted father used to say, I scream, You scream we all scream for ice cream.....

Think Cool thoughts and drink lots of fluids. We don't ac the house but it has good ventilation and insulation added in the attic, Until I quit running those incubators and brooders, I just cannot turn on the ac....Besides 85 isn't that hot, until I start canning in the kitchen!!! Have a great afternoon and come to see us when you can!
Hello Floyd Co. Tryn to get a fence finished, too HOT. Guess Im getting to like the shade a little much with age. My wife crosses into Floyd, ROME bout every day 4 work. Sure is pretty out 411. Anyhow have a good one.

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