Yogurt What kind and how much

Hi savvymamma!!!!
I'm so glad the trio is doing so well for you! I always gave them plain non-fat yogurt...with some fresh strawberries or blueberries from the garden.
Those little guys were given a lot of variety and will eat just about anything you give them. But I know you're like me and will only give them the healthiest and most nutritious treats.
So i was at a "chicken meeting" last night and was told chickens are lactose-intolerant, and that yogurt will give them diarrhea. This was told to us by an Avian Doctor. Has anyone else heard this?
Active culture yogurt is not processed by the body the same as milk so it won't affect them the same way as if you gave them plain milk. Yes,I've heard that, but giving milk to chicks is one way to alleviate the damage that cocci does to their intestines. Mine always get yogurt and sometimes buttermilk and no diarrhea results.

Nothing needs to be organic with chickens.

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