You have to see this: $3k Anthropologie coop

Here's the Williams-Sonoma link Apparently they have done quite a few! They even have one made of cedar...which is a no-no!

They also sell a "Chicken Coop Predator Kit" which consists of one 2' x 25' roll of hardware cloth, $79.00. They say it's an "internet exclusive".
And it then says:

Quote: I'm a little dumb on these things- could someone please explain to me how they monogram hardware cloth?
I soooo wish this were satire. Read the review, too: it's worth the 5 extra minutes.

Price and for what you are should just be "APOLOGIE" instead of "Anthropologie"
I could build that coop for darn near free with a few scrap pallets and poultry wire. Although... that wouldn't change the fact that I wouldn't trust it against the elements or predators. For $3000 I could build a massive chicken coop with a decent run! That little A-frame structure is a joke.
Even I could build the 3k coop,and I am a tarp and duct tape kind of person who could mess up building a garden box(in my defense they cut the lumber uneven,)

I love the hoobit hole coops.I have seen them larger and thought what a great hang out it would be for the kids to do their artsy stuff.

I see on amazon how people charge $1 to $50 for the exact same item.It all comes down to finding a buyer.That is what I tell my dh when it comes to selling our house-there is a buyer out there for everything.No need to scam when people are perfrectly willing to pay for it,
I would LOVE to see an "after" photo of this Heritage Hen Mini Farm (is that really what they are calling it?) The beautiful grass in the photo would be completely destroyed...
What's really funny is these heritage birds are Easter eggers.

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