You know you love your chickens when...

When you need to see a shrink because you and your rooster aren't getting along.
hahahahaha, love it!!!
You know you love chickens when your two month old nephew is visiting and you catch yourself softly clucking to him....sheesh, his mom was giving me the strangest looks before I realized what I was doing!

When you get out of bed 6 times during the night on their first night in the big girl coop to sneak out and check on them to make sure they're settling in okay. Then at 6 am crawl into their coop with them because they were sounding the "alert" chirp and you know they like sleeping in your lap.
I would love to put my old baby monitor in with my girls but how do you keep the dust from clogging everything and getting ruined?
That's a very good question and one I didn't consider, lol! I just moved them to the coop 4 days ago so I haven't had to worry about it yet. I imagine when this fails I'll get an outdoor rated camera and pop it in there.
When you hear your newborn baby chick chirp loudly cause it got out of the nice warm box w/ light it was in, searching for you because it thinks your it's mommy, so you feel bad and bring it into your house to lay on your warm chest cause it is an attention seeker. ;w;
When you get out of bed 6 times during the night on their first night in the big girl coop to sneak out and check on them to make sure they're settling in okay. Then at 6 am crawl into their coop with them because they were sounding the "alert" chirp and you know they like sleeping in your lap.


Aww so cute! I do this with baby chicks and injured chickens <3
You talk your hubby into helping you build a 3 shift paddock with an alleyway so they have enough room to play in. ( I told him this way he wouldn't have to mow)

OMG, that is the most gorgeous coop color I have ever seen; you have inspired me!

Thanks Ballerina Bird. I love my chicken house. We built it last spring and it's everything I could ask for. I even painted it white and purple inside. We just added 12 more chicks to our flock for a total of 20 now. Hence the enlarged playground.

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