You know you're a backyard chicken owner when...

When you find yourself trying to convince all your friends that your not in love with chickens!

Funny conversation between me and Dylan (neighbor)-

D- How many chickens you got?
Me- 16
D- do you think you'll get anymore?
Me- Well yeah, actually I am about to order 150.
D- *looks scared*
Me- what's wrong?
D- do you like your chickens more than people/me?
Me- no, but sometimes they are nicer to hangout with than some people!
D- as long as I never here of you getting married to them then I guess your craziness us under control!
Me- :gig:gig:gig

Dylan secretly likes the chickens to.
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When your friends/family ask you how many chickens you have, and you really can't answer.

When you go shopping at the town mall (aka town dump) and you see "stuff" that you really want to bring home. But you have no idea what you would ever use it for... you just know that it would be handy to use in the chicken coop/run/brooder or yard.
When your friends/family ask you how many chickens you have, and you really can't answer.

When you go shopping at the town mall (aka town dump) and you see "stuff" that you really want to bring home. But you have no idea what you would ever use it for... you just know that it would be handy to use in the chicken coop/run/brooder or yard.
Oh my word! Yes this is so me. The other day I saw a cute container I wanted to get for no reason!
When you'r making repairs on the coop and start singing at the top of your lungs a song your mama would sing...
I love my rooster, my rooster loves me.
I cherish my rooster under the green bay tree.
My little rooster sings Cock-a-doodle-doooo-
Dooly-doo-de-ly-doo-de-ly-doo-de-ly- dooo!
(True story....this morning. Thank God no one was home.)

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