You know you're a backyard chicken owner when...

That's why I have coop shoes, coop cane, and coop coats! Can't help if the feathers in my hair sometimes.
That's why I have coop shoes, coop cane, and coop coats! Can't help if the feathers in my hair sometimes.
I sat down to catch up on and read a few funnies, but I ended up reading the whole 70 some pages and couldn't stop laughing!!!

I guess I fit the bill too cause for Christmas my husband got me a pair of "chicken boots" and I was SO excited! I have a hard to fit foot and that made everything worse. They look like hiking boots with lots of grips on the bottom (you can track me everywhere and have to wash bottoms every time) but they are waterproof. Best present I could have gotten!!!! Yep, been many a time I hear, or he hears a "noise" and I jump up and run out to see what's wrong.

I have a little sick chicken and I have been going out in the middle of the night to check on her and see if the others have been messing with her. Our chicken hospital/isolation unit is under re-construction, so I have to keep her away from the others. When I go out there she runs to me to protect her and pick her up and hand feed her cause the others won't let her eat. She has been getting lots of special attention and it breaks my heart when they are mean to her.

They get so many extra treats -- I get cheap grain bread at the discount bread store and they think its great! Their uncle buys them meal worms (I can't afford them), but he has been making sure they have those.

Last year I had a couple of BOs that got sick and we had to give them shots. They also got their tail feathers picked at and they had bloody places on their little butts. We got some purple spray stuff to put on them, hence one of the chickens became known as Violet Purplebutt. Because these girls got special attention and extra care, they now come running and Violet even answers to her name!!! I have 2 Plymouth Bards named Hemi (car buffs?), but they both have enough attitude.... Anyhow, we were first time chicken parents and ended up with 20 chickens!!!!! Buffs, Bards, Silver Laced, Gold Laced, RIRs, and Jersey Giants! What a mix.

We got so many eggs and nobody would buy them, so we started giving them away. We took a bunch to the homeless shelter and they were so glad to get them. The girls just got through moulting and have just started back laying. While they were not laying, we had to buy eggs. All our girls lay brown eggs (different shades, but brown), and the first carton that we brought home, when I opened it, was white eggs! They looked so bright and white it almost hurt our eyes!!!!

Trying to keep everybody comfortable during this winter freezing weather. Poor Florida chickens were so hot this summer and now its freezing!!!
It's not a chicken but I'm currently sitting here with a Button quail egg in my bra waiting for it to hatch. The 4 chicks that had hatched were getting restless so Mama Button had to look after them, leaving the slow coach behind. It's pipped and cheeping and it's a very hot, humid day down under so it's got more than enough heat and humidity!

Can I just say I'm loving this thread! A great read while I wait. :lol:

@JaeG I was behind on this thread. Did this little one hatch??? :pop
@JaeG I was behind on this thread. Did this little one hatch??? :pop

I ended up having to help it as it was peeping madly but getting no where. It was still nice and damp and there were no veins anywhere so it was more than ready to hatch, it was just stuck. It's a cute little cinnamon. My little hen accepted it back no problem and she's such a great little mother.

Proud Mama.jpg
I ended up having to help it as it was peeping madly but getting no where. It was still nice and damp and there were no veins anywhere so it was more than ready to hatch, it was just stuck. It's a cute little cinnamon. My little hen accepted it back no problem and she's such a great little mother.

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:clap great job.

You know you're a backyard chicken owner when you get excited about other members hatches!
When you go to the Salvation Army Store. And you see lots of stuff that you could use: Styrofoam coolers. Perfect dimension for incubators. Old curling irons. She wonders if the curling iron thermostat could be bypassed, and hooked up to a digital thermostat to use as an incubator heater. Looking for a new ladle for the fermented feed bucket. Nope, not today. Saw a huge chandelier with bell globes. Would make a wonderful multi station feeder for the birds. I have a friend who would love to have one of those. ;) Book shelf = nest boxes. Shopping always turns into a "for the birds" event, even if I don't need any of the before mentioned items.
Was at Wal=Mart yesterday standing in line. Talked to a person in line about the cold weather, normal chit chat stuff. Mentioned that I would be happy not to have to deal with frozen water for the chickens and getting them fresh water before work @-6. He looked at me like I was a bit nuts, then smiled and said "I can understand that". I live in a large metro area.
This one is especially for the family of laying hens:
When you hear the word "egg" and in the back of your head you hear ...bawk bawk bawk BAWK!...

When you hear a plane overhead and you tilt your face sideways to look at it, then you realize that you're a human and your eyes are in the front and not on the side.
When you hear a plane overhead and you tilt your face sideways to look at it, then you realize that you're a human and your eyes are in the front and not on the side
LoL I do that if I get startled by a noise, I freeze and then tilt my head and sometimes lift my leg up and then I hope that no one is looking. :lau
When you go to the supermarket and take all the peeled off cabbage leaves for the chickens and when the cashier asks what you’re doing with the cabbage leaves you tell her that it’s for your chickens and she says, “ Do you live on such and such corner?” And when you reply in the affirmative she says, “Oh you must live in the chicken house!” :gig We didn’t even have that many chickens, 10 chickens to be exact. Sheesh this town.
Can BYC add an emoji that slaps its forehead because I need one to insert above.
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