You know you're a backyard chicken owner when...

You fuss at your hubby for putting stale loaf bread or cereal in trash ( pulling it back out) because the chickens will love it!
You now spend more time in BYC than Facebook!
All your friends and family tag you on FB with chicken memes
You never made homemade popcycles for your kids but make corncycles for the chickens on hot days
You fuss at family for discarded watermelon rinds, because they can be frozen for chicken treats on hot days!
"you know you're a backyard chicken owner when..."

You had your spouse help you band chicken legs after roost/dark, and then went in cleaned up and went to bed... only to wake up 45 minutes later and worry about if the first few bands were too tight...

...then get up, goof off on BYC for a couple hours until you're sleepy, and then go out to check to see if you caught the critter that you've been after...

... take a few steps and think "Lord please let this light let me see a copperhead before I step on it with this inadequate footwear"....

.... take a several steps toward the coop, look up and think "Wow! that moon and the clouds tonight are amazing"...

... take a few steps and think " hmmm, where is that cotton tail rabbit I've seen out here by the coop the last few nights, when checking the coop" ... because you can't sleep ...

... take a few steps and think "Lord thank you for not having bears, wolves, or mountain lions where I live" ...

...get to the coop and see the trap is still as it is, and think "whatever, I'm going to bed"...

.... take a few steps, look up and think again "Wow! that moon and the clouds tonight are amazing"...

... take a few steps and think "Lord please let this light let me see a copperhead before I step on it with this inadequate footwear"....

... stop on the porch and simultaneously think: "Wow! that moon and the clouds tonight are amazing" and "Lord thank you for protecting me from copperheads while I walked to the coop and back in this inadequate footwear"....

... then come in and type all of that up on the "you know you're a BYC owner" thread... because you KNOW other "chicken people" have done something similar :p

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