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Hey @duluthralphie and other Northies, I have a question:
What does Uff Da mean? And how is it used?
Thanks from us southies
Uff Da is an expression. It can mean a ton of things.. here are some examples..

Maury: my wife is pregnant, but my girlfriend is too.

Me; uff dah ( in the you are screwed tone)

When lifting something heavy and you feel a pull in your gut or groin, that is a proper time to say uff da with a painful tone.

If the Pastor is telling the congregation how great they did on a charity drive..

The proper response is “uff da” in a happy tone.

If you shoot a big buck or land a huge fish then the word “uff da” should be used.

When I stretch my knee and it cramps, that’s the time for uff da.

Does this help?
Also, there may be several different pronunciations depending on who you’re talking to: uff da, ooffta, woofda, etc. They may even occasionally come from the the same person depending on the circumstances… personally, uff da is when you have a large exhausting task ahead of you. And ooffta is when you just ran into a table. Now I know, I know. I’m not a northerner, we’ve already established that, however, it is a commonly used term in the more northern south.

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