You might be a “Southie” if...

That reminds me, now that all my sweet taters are killed off, i need to shovel them all up and out, ugh...

I just noticed your from Jax Fla. That is my birthplace and my dwelling place for many years till we found these awesome mountains. :)

:hugs :gig
My neice lives in that part of town. I grew up in Tinley Park / Oak Forest, but yeah, we participated alright.
So...are you glad to live in Florida Instead of IL?
Weather wise I thought Florida was too humid for me. But I was only there once around Christmas in the 80s.... Key west was 48f and places had signs out if they had a fireplace. LOL I was sleeping in the back of my pickup wondering what the fuss was about temperature when there was dripping humidity that was horrible. Fished in lake Okeechobee though, that was good
So...are you glad to live in Florida Instead of IL?
Weather wise I thought Florida was too humid for me. But I was only there once around Christmas in the 80s.... Key west was 48f and places had signs out if they had a fireplace. LOL I was sleeping in the back of my pickup wondering what the fuss was about temperature when there was dripping humidity that was horrible. Fished in lake Okeechobee though, that was good
I like Florida TONS better for many reasons. Big one is the weather,especialy with all kinds of hardware in my body now, cold does bad things to me.
I DO miss the changing of the seasons though, the indian summer. I remember as a child camping in Kankakee State Park, Chebona?Shebona, cant remember the spelling , and just like huge walls of the tree leaves turning all the reds and oranges and golden, with that smell of camp fire in the air and the autumn bite.

I miss the first snow of the season, I do NOT miss shoveling it.
I miss deer hunting in Iron Mountain Michigan, its 30 below zero WITHOUT the wind chill, my nappy little ass is laying in a dug out snow bank with a bough of pine or something, covering me, wondering if I am INSANE to be in that weather waiting for a stupid animal that may or may not show BUT. then you lay back and just watch the northern lights dance and it was just so beautiful and mesmerizing.

I do miss going to baraboo wisconsin to spend weekends at the bald eagle conservatory / camp and canoeing while we are there on the river.

I do NOT miss the traffic jams on the Dan Ryan xpress way or stopping every 800 feet to pay tolls on I94

I do like partying on the beach, 4 wheeling in the national forests (not anymore- with bad back pout), the saltwater fishing and the general laid back, just have fun southern attitude.

I do NOT miss the rudeness that seems to seep from the people in general in that part of the nation compared to us slow redneck ignorant pic #%$ers down here, who still say good morning maam' and hold the door open for a lady, and wave others through 4 way stops instead of fighting to see who gets thru first.

I never would have learned the joy of boiled peanuts, low country boils, and other 'southern living' lifestyles.

Most of all, I love having animals around,and bees, and fish, and growing stuff, and people don't look at me like im weird or stupid when I pick up a chicken and say hey sweetie, and ruffle her, and tug on her tail to watch her fluffle up and go waddlng off.

The cost of living is better down here too and the crime is a lot less, oh we got crime but a lot of it gets solved on the spot, and you are not demonized when you do have to dust a dirtbag. The 3 S's are a code that many live by when necessary.

I do NOT like hurricanes, although jacksonville because of our geo location is kind of protected, however at least you get warning, unlike the big tornado's we'd occasionally get in illinois.

Key West, I was stationed there in the Navy for a few years, LOVED it, but it's changed a ton over the years. Not so fun anymore. That is funny though, yankee relatives come down in like jan / feb it's getting into the 40's im like oh brr screw this running for a jacket, and they are like, what are you CRAZY?? and running for a swimming suit !

In the end, though, Im glad I have a roof over my head, it's paid for, my health is at this point 'inconvenient at times' and not critical, and I can relatively relax and enjoy every sunrise and sunset until my ending days which with a little luck that'll be some decades in the future.

My Tombstone will read something like this.

Here Lies an A hole and a Feathered Pest.
We finally shut the buzzard up, and gave the bird a rest.
He often was a rowdy cuss that wore a feathered hat
the other one sat on his shoulder, begging for a pat
People come and people go, that is what they do.
But only the very luck ones, do it with a cockatoo.


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