You might be a “Southie” if...

It wouldn't be so crowded if the Northerners would not flock down here, stealing all the good fishing spots on the jetty's !

All kidding aside though, lake fishing, and salt water fishing are two totally different animals, however we do have our share of lakes and bass too. while I don't fresh water fish I have a friend who does and he's always showing me pictures of 10 lb bass etc etc. At the end of the day, its a nice way for people to get out, away from the rat race and enjoy nature... and drink beer, can't forget that part !

10 pound bass = 10 pound 💩
The only way to eat canned salmon is making it into salmon patties. Mmm. Delicious.
That's a whole other rabbit hole right there.
Are you a purist, who pretty much, the patty is salmon only, or are you one of those who uses breading, and puts spices and onions, and all kinds of other stuff in your patties too.

FWIW, canned crab, this is about the only way to do that as well.

If that's all you have access to is canned, then you gotta make the best out of it.

I add onion and mayo, maybe some hard-boiled eggs, maybe some pinto beans
Now that sounds interesting. Almost like a tuna salad / egg salad type thing.
The pinto beans are way something Id never have thought of but now that you bring it up, that could be interesting.

Would you mix that all up into like a patty or the beans on the side or how? I love trying new things and new ways of preparing foods.

Now that sounds interesting. Almost like a tuna salad / egg salad type thing.
The pinto beans are way something Id never have thought of but now that you bring it up, that could be interesting.

Would you mix that all up into like a patty or the beans on the side or how? I love trying new things and new ways of preparing foods.

I mix it all in one bowl. I can't eat wheat, so I skip bread. Might have a gluten free tortilla wrap.
Started as Salmon instead of tuna salad. Then I had half a serving of leftover beans I didn't know what to do with, and threw them on top. It was pretty good. I have it that way often now.
See, now that's how awesome recipes are created ! people say,hmm I wonder how I can use 'this' in 'that' and creations are born!

The gluten free, I get that. Canned Crab this would probably be really good with too instead of salmon / tuna. I would not go out and buy canned crab just for this, id rather get better crab / do better things with it but IF you happen to get some...

Going on that general layout, you could make the patties, and then top them, with beans as you did, or I can see a whole bunch of other toppings that might work very well too.

gluten free totilla's, or what are those ones they toast, or kind of like a pita might work too. oh man you are making me hungry, now I gotta run out tomorrow and get some seafood and play! Too bad you are in Illinois, Id say come on down, lunch is on ME !!


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