Young Barred Laying Hens


8 Years
Feb 9, 2011
New York
These girls are so friendly, not only with you, but they definitely do not have a problem getting along with other birds. A couple of hens have just started laying so in no time at all the other girls will follow suit. These girls give a pinkish/tan large sized egg. Some of these girls even give white speckles on their eggs. This hen is also another summer/winter egg layer. They just started laying a few wks. ago, so you will get maximum egg production from these girls! Prior to there departure from our farm they will be given a bath, so they are squeaky clean for their introduction to their new home. I tried to take this one with no flash so you could see the speckles on the eggs. Their eggs are the lighter center eggs.

My name is Liz Favazzo and my family is in California. We are interested in purchasing 2 chickens that are already laying. Where are you located and how does this all work? I noticed that your ad said you ship anywhere. Please let me know what you have available and if you will ship to California.

Hello, I want to thank both of you for your interest and I do have one prospective buyer that responded before you guys, but if that falls threw I will let you both know. I live in NY...I think I'll add that to my profile so people will know. I do know to ship two hens from here to California will prob cost around $100 for shipping. That's a ruff estimate until we have the specifics. To ship to SC would be somewhere around $60 for shipping.
I did want to let you both know the the first prospective buyer is going to purchase all of them, but I wanted to thank you both very much for your time and interest!

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