Young chick is very weak


In the Brooder
Mar 26, 2018
I have a Rhode Island Red chick who isn't doing great at all. She was fine for the first 2-3days when I brought the chicks home. 2nights ago she ant the other Rhode Island Red chic started acting lethargic, and having pasty butt, and liquid poop. I gave them corid yesterday but after talking with some other people on byc and seeing one chick get slightly better but the other get worse I decided to try giving them sugar water and went to the store for nutri-drench. Non of my other chicks have showed any symptoms and are acting fine. The smaller weaker (RIR) has just been losing more and more energy, I gave her the nutri-drench but it didn't really do much for her. She doesn't want to eat or drink much, and is having a hard time walking. She just lays in the corner. I've moved her out from the brooder with the rest because they were trampling every where and I was worried they would injure her or squish her. Idk if there is anything else I can do fr her but if so I want to know. Thanks in advance for any advice

She opens her eyes and lifts her head on occasion. I'm really worried about her, especially because she's so young.
Also, what is your brooder set up? What are your temps at warmest and at the coolest points?
What are you using for bedding?
Also, what is your brooder set up? What are your temps at warmest and at the coolest points?
What are you using for bedding?

I'm using pine flakes for their bedding. They are eating purina start and grow medicated and a small amount of Dumor chick starter, which I brought to help give them more protein since the purina is only 18% and the Dumor is 24%. My brooder up under the lamp is about 88-92 I'm not sure if it's to hot but they still lay under it. The coldest spot is 75.


The cardboard walls are temporary till I get something better, and I will be making it larger as the get older. it's kept in my bedroom, which is pretty warm as well.

Thanks for your condolences, she will be missed. I am concerned that maybe it was just in her genes and that's why she didn't make it, since she and the other red are the only ones with any symptoms.


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Whenever I get chicks... And trust me, there will be many more times for you too, I like to have Corid on hand. A sick droopy chick like that makes me think of coccidiosis.

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