Your 2024 Garden

I'm going out now to plant okra, Roma II beans, Lima beans, Zipper Cream peas. More sweet corn if I don't run out of time before it rains. I'm anxious to get to the point all I have to do is run the tiller between the rows. I do need to cultivate the onions and that is a job l must do my hand. Next year they will be in a raised bed along with the carrots and beets. By then I'll know where to build them.
I'm going out now to plant okra, Roma II beans, Lima beans, Zipper Cream peas. More sweet corn if I don't run out of time before it rains. I'm anxious to get to the point all I have to do is run the tiller between the rows. I do need to cultivate the onions and that is a job l must do my hand. Next year they will be in a raised bed along with the carrots and beets. By then I'll know where to build them.
I'm heading outside as well, forecast is for an overcast day, possible sprinkles, temps in the 70s... PERFECT planting weather.

And rain tomorrow. :celebrate
I'm heading outside as well, forecast is for an overcast day, possible sprinkles, temps in the 70s... PERFECT planting weather.

And rain tomorrow. :celebrate
Well...the sun came out, so instead of planting I cut down half of a tree that was threatening my shed roof.

Much better!

And I used my Milwaukee cordless reciprocating saw!
Lots of manual labor done. All 13 rows averaging 100' in length got laid out and marked with bailing twine. Then 5-15-30 starter fertilizer was banded down where the rows are going. That got raked in. Now as soon as we can get back in we can plant. The final layout calls for the row of tomatoes that are already planted, 2 rows of okra, 2 rows of Roma II beans, 2 rows of Fordhook Lima beans, 3 rows of Zipper Cream peas, 4 rows of sweet corn. Once this block is done we can plant Pinkeye Purple Hull peas and some Black Eyed peas, and more Zipper Cream peas along with Sweet Potatoes that arrived yesterday. I still need to plant about 10 pepper plants and 2 eggplants, squash, and pumpkins. I want enough pumpkins for our pies and the chickens Jack-o-Lanterns. I have a small place for some cukes on a trellis and another place for a couple of hill of cantaloupes. I have plans for when not cultivating to be eating and eating well. I all so have a farmers market vendor that will trade what I grow for things he sells that we don't have. A secondary benefit to planting this market garden is I'm losing weight. If I can lose enough and not need BP med just maybe I can get a brand new pair of hips.... :)
I spent most of the past week working on the garden. Did a lot of watering as it was very warm and dry all week.

I set seed for green beans, butterbeans, cucumber, yellow squash and zucchini. Planted french marigolds in various places around the garden to help with those dang root knot nematodes. Over the last couple years I think they helped.

Still more to plant. Today is cool and rainy so I will rest. My body is sore! :old

Cabbage and taters have grown a lot this week. It's time to hill these taters.

I saw a few pods forming in the peas.



Yesterday I saw this!
A tiny Black Krim tomato!

Thankfully I am now hearing rain!
My taters are doing great and have dirt worked to them but my peas are going to make enough for maybe one stir fry. They just got planted way to late and the heat is getting to them. The rain that was in the forecast for for yesterday and today amounted to about 29 drops. Not going to do much today. Just enough to limber up some muscles that are getting stiff. I should spend some time with some of the chickens that have been getting the short end of the stick while I've played in the dirt.
We got enough peas today for a stir fry for tomorrow's lunch. The wind has battered them bad but I think we might get to more meals off of them. I did a check on the Irish potatoes today hoping to find some big enough for a pot of green beans but that was just wishful thinking. If I can get seed potatoes for a fall planting I'll plant them. From what I can find out we are in a good area for potatoes in the fall.

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