Your favorite line of dialogue from a movie?

"It's just a flesh wound"- Black Knight- Monty Python and the Holy Grail

"She turned me into a newt... a newt?... I got bettah"- Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Stephen: In order to find his equal, an Irishman is forced to talk to God.
[to the sky]
Stephen: Yes, Father!
[to Hamish]
Stephen: The Almight says, "Don't change the subject, just answer the f***' question." - Braveheart

"He touched the butt"- Tadd- Finding Nemo

"Im a Mog, half man, half dog. I'm my own best friend!"- Barf- Spaceballs
From the movie Lonesome Dove, Jake Spoon at his hanging- "well, adios boys...I hope you won't hold it against me" as he spurs his horse, basically hanging himself.
....from the weekly cheers when norm say's " its a dog eat dog world and my shorts are made of milkbone "
Let's see .. just about ANYTHING from Princess Bride ..

"You mean, you'll put down your rock and I'll put down my sword, and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?"

Miracle Max: Get back, witch.
Valerie: I'm not a witch, I'm your wife. But after what you just said, I'm not even sure I want to be that any more.

Vizzini: But it's so simple. All I have to do is divine from what I know of you: are you the sort of man who would put the poison into his own goblet or his enemy's?
Now, a clever man would put the poison into his own goblet, because he would know that only a great fool would reach for what he was given.
I am not a great fool, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of you.
But you must have known I was not a great fool, you would have counted on it, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of me.


You'd like to think that, wouldn't you? You've beaten my giant, which means you're exceptionally strong, so you could've put the poison in your own goblet, trusting on your strength to save you, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of you.
But, you've also bested my Spaniard, which means you must have studied, and in studying you must have learned that man is mortal, so you would have put the poison as far from yourself as possible, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of me.

hehe ..
Sea Bisquit

Charles Howard: You could be crippled for the rest of your life.
Red Pollard: I was crippled for the rest of my life. I got better. He made me better. Hell, you made me better.

Tom Smith: You don't throw away a whole life just 'cause it's banged up a little.


Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?

Ulysses Everett McGill: Well, ain't this place a geographical oddity. Two weeks from everywhere!

Homer Stokes: Is you is, or is you ain't, my constituency?

Ulysses Everett McGill: Well, you lying... unconstant... succubus!
Vernon T. Waldrip: Whoa, whoa, whoa! You can't swear at my fiancé!
Ulysses Everett McGill: Oh, yeah? Well, you can't marry my wife!
There are so many to only choose one!
At the top of my list would be anything from Steel Magnolias, but especially, "If you can't say anything nice about someone, come sit by me" and "I'd rather walk on my lips than criticize someone, but..."

From The Lost Boys: "You will never grow old. You will never die. But you must feed."

And my favorite lines are the whole rooster episode from Sordid Lives...I can quote it word for word!
"That's got to be the best pirate I've ever seen!"

-Pirates of the Caribbean

"Smite me, o Mighty Smiter!"

-Bruce Almighty
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I agree, the movie is classic. "As you wish."

More like "Aaaaaaassssssss yyyyyyoooooouuuuuuuuuuu wwwwwwiiiiiisssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

More memorable is "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
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