Your land and Animals !!!!

One acre minus a chunk of "easement" in a rural suburb. Ok, it is unbuildable behind us and across the main road, suburbia sprawl to the west, and some guys grass airstrip to the north of the little 'burb. Lots of "interesting" neighbors, but they're never home during the day. Five chickens, one cat, two grown teenagers, uncounted mice, rats, snakes, coons, possums, coyotes, foxes, skunks, hawks and who knows what else.
42 acres my parents got it really cheap when they moved back from Connecticut. I have 43 chickens (I have to get it down to 25 before winter), 11 cats, a goldfish, 3 guppies (need to get more), a ghost shrimp, and the family dog.
Edited to add: also have 2 gardens and I need to add another one or expand the one.
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I only have 2 acres and 5 Barbado sheep, 1 pygmy goat, 9 geese, 2 turkeys, 7 rabbits, 11 ducks, 104 chickens and 9 stray cats. Goal is 200 chickens and 7 turkeys by next year.
We have a combo: I have a hair under 3/4 acre in a rural suburb with 14 chickens, 9 ducks, 2 dogs, 3 cats, one DD and one DS (who lives with his dad but I can't leave him out LOL).

DBF has 1 acre also in a rural suburb with 15 chickens, 6 ducks, 1 dog, 2 snakes, 1 turtle, 2 indoor cats and 5 adopted outdoor strays.

Eventually planning to get married, combine, and move somewhere where we can have acreage and it's warm in the winter.
5 acres, and it is not enough. I would like to move to a larger place, but my husband is not really the farm type. He has always lived in a large city, and I once lived on a fair size (240 acres) farm/ranch with my mother.

We have 12 turkeys, about 45 chickens, 1 boar goat and 1 dog at present. I hope to get another dog. I would also like more turkeys, but since I can't take care of them at the present time, and my husband doesn't like to...any more turkeys won't happen.
We have 2 acres with neighborhoods all around us. I thought this would be good for kids, land but also the ability to go out there and play with other kids. The people out there with no land tell me they cant imagine all the hard work and "upkeep" of 2 acres. I just scratch my head, I cant imagine having nothing but the inside of my home and being so close to nieghbors..... If our kids want to play baseball or soccer or anything, they do right here on our land. I tend to my land because it makes me feel good and healthy. And I wake up one day with a horse or chicken obsession, I go get one (or 6)!
We have 6.43 acres

Farming's in my blood - my parents had 40 acres when I was a girl. My grandparents always farmed. DH is a city boy - born and raised in Allentown, but he took to fishing and hunting well enough and wants even more land next time we go house hunting.

I only have chickens and rabbits right now. We need to fence the place before we can get livestock.
0.35 acres total but about 1/3 of that is the front yard and the house, we live on a corner and can't fence in most of what we have. The fenced portion is divided into 35% garden area and 65% running room for 6 dogs. House has 8 cats inside only. Garden area is still under 'development', trying to see what works and what doesn't.
Too many neighbors too, we only live about 5 blocks from the center of town. Hoping to win the lottery one day and buy a ranch

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