Your land and Animals !!!!

Three acres, but that's a lot of land for our area where real estate prices are so high. More suburban than rural, although we're zoned for horses which relaxes the expectations around having livestock for pets.

We'll be downsizing not too many years from now so I'm really appreciating the land right now.

2 dogs, 4 cats, a cockatiel and 4 pullets.
60 acres, too many neighbors and not enough animals (except for wild deer). DH thinks 1 brittany and 12 chickens are enough; I'm working to show him the error of his ways. We've both been suburban-ites all our lives and lived in many places; I told him he couldn't retire until he had a plan, so he decided to become a tree farmer. 80 yr for a crop gives us lots of time to enjoy. I like it because I can finally put down roots AND I live in my vacation home.
We live on 4 acres with lots of big trees. Rare for North Central Texas. We have 4 Pygmy goats, 2 Miniature horses (on the large side), 2 geese, 2 guineas, 1 turkey (want more), 22 chickens, 1 fish pond, 14 exotic birds, 7 cats (inside & out) and 10 dogs. All of these except the chickens are rescues with sad stories. I do a lot of rescue and rehab.

I was raised in the country on 126 acres with all kinds of animals. My hubby was raised in the UK with one cat. He has adjusted well.
We would love more land.............someday. Our neighborhood all has acreage and we cannot see each other very well, so you feel you are more in the country than you are. We are 12mins from the center of Fort Worth.
5 acres. Moved there so that I could have my horses in the back yard, instead of driving out to do FULL CARE. (Hated it. Much better to not worry about my herd in a snowstorm.)
I'm on the westmost street in a tiny town, so the street is quiet enough for the neighborhood cats to relax on them.

In October, 1999, (when we moved there, we had 5 horses and one dog. Then, we ended up with the following:
5 horses
1 dog
6 cats
2 rabbits
1 chicken
# of goldfish in the water tank (which I brought inside to feed during the winter

NOW, we are at:
3 horses (there WILL be more--just got my winter's worth of hay in my loft yesterday--YIPEE!!!!!!)
2 dogs
4 cats
11 (soon to be 8) chickens (currently, 3 roos)
We can ride several hundred acres of different farm's land, when NOT in crops, so 5 acres isn't too small.

HOWEVER, with almost record setting rainfall this summer, keeping up with mowing and weeds has made 5 acres seem like 10.

**ducks4you has cracked the whip on the pullets, so they're laying 4 eggs a day--GOOD BREAKFASTS!!!**

Somebody said the price of eggs is expected to go up, what will California's new law, and their price will reflect everywhere else. Looks like only the chicken owners will be safe.
I am om 3/4 of an acre. We have a pen with 2 nigerians, 3 ducks and in the back pen 12 chickens. We are building another large coop and run for just our chickens. We also have 1 dog and 2 cats......oh yeah and cherry the bunny,
We utilized our space well so still have a large grass area to play and free range~
We live on 40 acres which my Grandfather bought back in the early 30's. He originally had 80, but sold off the half with the original house that my mother grew up in (what was he thinking? wish we had that now!). It's sort of a "family compound" with us, my mom, and my brother and his family living here. It's great because there's enough trees that we can't see each other's houses, but close enough for a quick walk over for a visit; I go up to my mom's almost every day for coffee. We have a big garden that we share in the work, as well as sharing the farm truck, the heavy-duty weedeater, the riding mower, and soon, the tractor. No sense in each of us having one, so we pool our money and are able to buy really good quality. Love this life. I'm the animal person - I have 4 horses, 11 chickens, 2 dogs and 2 cats. Will be adding more chickens in the spring and hopefully a few head of cattle. Trying hard not to add more horses, but it's always a temptation!

It's great reading everyone's story of their land and critters!

We have five acres. The ducks and such started moving in when I rescued an injured duckling. Then I had two drop offs. then I rescued an injured and dying drake. And thats how its been ever since.
You have to have 3 acres to build here. We have 3. My inlaws have 3 in front of me. We live back in the woods a bit. We got the land almost 9 years ago, but lived in town my whole life. I really didn't want more than one dog,but my daughter brought one home Xmas eve. The other was a drop off that never got claimed. My cats all came from a stray cat that's lived here in the woods longer than I have. On occasion one of her baby's will survive the coyote & fox.(I haven't seen her in about 6 months) I just thinned the flock due to another hatch. I limit my feed bill by working with local farmers. The less they have to handle the grain, the cheaper it is.
well, 26 acres on the highest point in the county, home to 14 or so mixed ponies, 15 or so mixed dairy goats, 40 something hens, 4 roos, 20 something rabbits, for pets and meat, 2 guiena pigs, 12 guiena fowl and whatever young they bring up, 8 dogs, 4 brand new puppies, and 5 rescued cats that do pretty good job of mouse patrol. numbers change daily, depending on what i find.

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