Your land and Animals !!!!

I own 1 acre. The horses have their little pen, across the property the goats have theirs. The goat barn/dog kennel is a 1 car garage that is no longer used for a car. The chickens live out behind the goat barn, next to the horse pasture. The 2 cats live in the house, along with 5 of the dogs, 3 of which are outside when I am not home. The other 4 are outside most of the time(their choice). The goats are out during the day and inside at night. The dogs have a run in and dog houses so when they are outside they can be in a shelter or in the weather. I have to keep the hens fenced in because of the fox. They can come and go from their coop into their yard during the day, but I lock them in at night. The horses have a run in and make their own decision as to barn or pasture.

I grew up in the middle of a large city, hating every second of it. I can't afford more than this 1 acre, so I make the most of what I can with it.

I love horses, so I have them as pets. I have had horses since I was 16 (37 years ago), a dream since I was 3. I can no longer ride due to medical reasons, so they are pasture pets. The dogs are all sled dogs (except for 1) so we are learning to mush, but they are mostly pets. The goats are for their milk, the hens for their eggs and the cats just because it seemed like I needed them 11 years ago.
I live in a sort of rural/urban never never land. My neighbors harass me constantly because they bought their houses knowing there was a farm across the street and then have spent the last 5 years trying to chase me out! If they want to buy me out, I would love to find a bigger place out in the willy whacks with no one else around! They are the reason I am getting a roo (or 2). I wasn't going to when I got back into chickens after a 2 year hiatus, but the neighbors hate the crowing so much, I gotta get the roos! I need to get a tape recoding of a pig so I can play it and let them think i have a pig over here too. The harassment is getting serious and will no doubt end up in court. I have been inspected by every possible state agency and town official and have been cleared of any illegal wrong doing. It seems my only crime is to love farming and be too poor to own a larger piece of land!

BTW....when the neighbors bought their respective houses, I had 8 horses, 45 goats and about 25 hens with 4 roos. I have no where near that now.
I have 106 acres here in the mountains of Tenn., with a 4 acre man made spring fed pond that runs off the bluff, i got this 35 years ago, i had the money and as a 19 year old i knew i would spend it, my Father talked me into buying the property and am glad he did, i always figured it was money in the bank anyhow if i needed to sell one day i knew i could get my money back, i have since built a log home on the bluff and have kept 100 acres in woods, not being logged since the 40s, put up a barn and a few out buildings, closest neighbor being a mile away is what i always liked, glad Dad talked me into it and so are my grown kids, lol, wildlife is all over and is something to watch,, along with my chickens, goats, dogs, and cows and hogs when needed, also the closest thing to heaven !!
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We have 8.5 acres on the outskirts of Springbrook, Ontario. We have 1 field fenced in for horses, and are fencing in more right now, dog runs for our 5 dogs, A renovated ice house for a chicken coop, small duck house with run, a large bank barn that we are using only for hay right now. A 120x60 riding ring. A growing garden, 5 apple trees, 3 nectarine, 2 pear, 2 cherry trees

Raspberry and Blackberry bushes along our picket fence in the front garden.

We are always expanding. Currently we have 2 goats, 5 dogs, 3 cats, 1 horse, 20 chickens, and 3 ducks
We intend to expand, buy more goats, get another horse and perhaps a small pony, more chickens, more ducks, probably more dogs LOL, geese......................
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I grew up on ranches in Wyo and TX and lived my adult life in cities. My hubby grew up in Maine and Penn in medium size towns. Due to his work we lived in Columbia MO and Phoenix for the last 20 years. When he was going to retire we started looking for land in the Camp Verde area of AZ. Near the river but out of the flood plane. Took us 2 years to find it.

We both wanted to get out of Phoenix so badly and I wanted chickens again.
We have 1.25 acres. Just big enough for our chickens and geese but not hard for 2 old people to take care of and a place for our kids and grandkids to come to decompress.

We LOVE it!. Hubby is busy all the time outside and me inside.

He is enjoying the chickens but his favorite is Chris the goose. His constant companion when working out side along with Sandy the dog.

Today we spent the day DOING NOTHING!

We have a wonderful creek running through our property and the river is 1/4 mile away.
And where else could you have 4 little chicks in the guest bedroom in the brooder box??
We have 5 acres with a pond and live next to a swampy area (Florida).

25-30 chickens
2 cats
3 horse
4 dogs
1 bull here, 3 cows/calves on lease property

various wildlife that visits from gators/snakes to land critters.
We have 7/8 of an acre in an unincorporated suburb. Have 11 chickens right now (soon to be 10 once we get rid of a rooster), 2 dogs, 2 cats, a huge garden and 6 apple trees! Right now we are eating so many tomatoes I'm surprised we haven't turned red.
I have a 10 acre farm (for now), i want to buy up all the land around me!!! i have 3 horses on 8 acres of pasture, my husband has built me a dog run and 2 pens on the west ide of our garage work shop area where we have 3 pig's (1 is a kids pet Runt wont grow) and the other ones are going to butch----er soon. 1 bucket calf and my husbands hunting dogs are..... in that same area he also built me a really nice chicken year it look's like we're dding on to both the farm house and the chicken coop
we live on a 70 acre farm. It belongs to my in-laws but they live about an hour away. We've been here for 3 years now. I've always lived in a neighborhood and I hated it. I am not antisocial or anything, but I just like my privacy. I love the space and the freedom and I love having whatever animals I want. I went a little overboard at first and have had to cut back a bit due to the cost of caring for them. (with horses, goats, etc) now I am pretty much just focusing on chickens. They don't cost as much to care for and are so much fun plus the benefit of fresh eggs!

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