Your most beautiful chicken: contest ends 12-24-12

Nice! Do you think you could use a little more close up pictures? I love your rooster but he would rank better if the picture was a little more
close up. Two more days!!!

Milton the partridge silkie rooster. <3

My favourite chicken ;) Parker the yellow chick-a-dee

Phyllis the partridge silkie pullet

Edna - Partridge silkie pullet

Bonnie the Old English Game Bantam mix

George Jr. the 1st Generation Sizzle boy.
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Nice pictures of Mr. A. he will ranked much better I think! Aoxa do you by chance have names for them? Because part of the judging is their name. So if you have names for them tell me them please! Overall it's going to be so hard to judge with so many wonderful,beautiful chickens!

Buff Orpington
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