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Are you out in a rural area? My neighbor's birds regularly visit my yard because we have better food and forage lol. We are in a residential area bordering on rural, so chickens are pretty common in the area in general. People very rarely dump hens, if it's a hen your birds could have called her in when calling to each other. If the bird was carrying anything your birds have already been exposed, so I honestly wouldn't worry too much, just keep an eye on them for any signs of infection, pest and illness alike. I have an Amber link hen, and I can say she gets out more than any other bird, I had to clip both wings to keep her in and I have a tenth of an acre just for them. Personally, I would let the bird be. If it wants to join your flock it will, given a chance. It could just be visiting to look for snacks, I definitely wouldn't eat it just because it showed up. It very well may be going home to roost at night if your neighbors are not that far off.
I live in town. The ordinances here change 2 years ago allowing pullets/hens in the city limits. I have one neighbor that has three Cochin. I do have a couple signs in town to sell eggs could be why they dumped her here. I do have room for five more adult birds without crowding them in. So this one wouldn't be a burden on anyone. From what I could see her comb is very small and just starting to get red and little to nothing on wattles. I doubt she has even started laying.
That doesn't make sense to me because all of mine that get out...stay close.
That'd be dependant on several factors, breed, temperament, territorial perspective of the bird. My birds that get out occasionally, do come back. How far they roam, I don't know. I always know when one does get out because the flock will call for her until she comes back. That same call can draw in other birds nearby.
I live in town. The ordinances here change 2 years ago allowing pullets/hens in the city limits. I have one neighbor that has three Cochin. I do have a couple signs in town to sell eggs could be why they dumped her here. I do have room for five more adult birds without crowding them in. So this one wouldn't be a burden on anyone. From what I could see her comb is very small and just starting to get red and little to nothing on wattles. I doubt she has even started laying.
Then it's far more likely she's wandered off rather than dumped. Seriously, no one dumps a point of lay hen, that's an easy sell.

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