Yucky Bird Tush! Someone help us with this girl! (GRAPHIC PICTURES!)


6 Years
Nov 11, 2013
Traverse City, Michigan
Hey all-

Seeking some advice on one of my ladies. Here's the scoop:

Recently, we noticed one of our girls has a bare spot on her underside. About an inch under her vent, she has a bald spot about the size of a deck of cards. It's red, dry, featherless and slightly swollen. There's a "scab" on there and it's pretty crusty, as well. You can see all this in the first picture. Another one of our hens is sitting next to her, for comparison.

In the second picture, taken today (01/17) you can see the scab fell off, the redness is down and the feathers are starting to grow back. The vent looks clean and not red at all.

She's still laying an egg a day, eats and drinks as much as the other girls, and plays well with the others. No roosters. We live in Northern Michigan where the temps range from -10F to 30F in a matter of days and nights.

Just curious if you have any advice or concern for us.

Thanks for the help!

Here's the gross pictures!


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