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So I'm going to attempt my first effort with my new pasta maker this week. Most likely Thursday. I have the Grandkid & he will get a kick out of helping me make a mess of the kitchen. Perhaps I will post a Lasagna dish here to help keep the thread alive.
I have made pasta homemade in the past by hand. So this should prove to be interesting by using the Virgin machinery..lol.
Most likely I will experiment with a different recipe then my traditional handmade pasta, since I am using a different method I might as well try a different recipe as well.
This should be very educational being the first time.
So I'm going to attempt my first effort with my new pasta maker this week. Most likely Thursday. I have the Grandkid & he will get a kick out of helping me make a mess of the kitchen. Perhaps I will post a Lasagna dish here to help keep the thread alive.
I have made pasta homemade in the past by hand. So this should prove to be interesting by using the Virgin machinery..lol.
Most likely I will experiment with a different recipe then my traditional handmade pasta, since I am using a different method I might as well try a different recipe as well.
This should be very educational being the first time.
In retrospect, I perhaps should of thought that 30 days would be a little bit too long for the duration of the contest. There is not that much popularity amongst the community. Perhaps with exposure, subject Etc.
I am happy and pleased with the following this Thread has created but a little more traffic would have made it a little more exciting. Perhaps if there was going to be a second contest, the duration of the contest would not be as prolonged as this one has been planned for.
More exposure would keep the thread from becoming camouflaged.
In between the awkward dormancy, I will be posting Italian themed videos and such to keep the contest alive and active in the system.

Absolutely breathtaking entries so far. I am looking forward to more creations appearing soon enough.
Thank you to all whom are participating!


Okay, I know I'm not taking part in the contest and I'm sticking my neck out, but may I make a suggestion as someone who has entered plenty of contests on BYC? It's kinda confusing having two threads with almost the exact same names. I keep a pretty close eye on my watched threads, and sometimes don't realize which one I've clicked on until I get here. Then there's confusion over contest vs thread.

The rules say that three photos of prep and 3 of finished meal. But then coming here shows photo after photo of the same recipe with the disclaimer that it's "not an entry, just for example." That adds to the confusion - am I looking at the original thread or the contest thread? Folks usually drop by when they have a few minutes.... not all of them spend a couple of hours straight on BYC but they just pop in. Those are the folks who don't have time to wade - they just want to see if there are any entries and either post, enter, or move on. Hope I don't hurt your feelings, but that's kinda how I see it. :oops:
Okay, I know I'm not taking part in the contest and I'm sticking my neck out, but may I make a suggestion as someone who has entered plenty of contests on BYC? It's kinda confusing having two threads with almost the exact same names. I keep a pretty close eye on my watched threads, and sometimes don't realize which one I've clicked on until I get here. Then there's confusion over contest vs thread.

The rules say that three photos of prep and 3 of finished meal. But then coming here shows photo after photo of the same recipe with the disclaimer that it's "not an entry, just for example." That adds to the confusion - am I looking at the original thread or the contest thread? Folks usually drop by when they have a few minutes.... not all of them spend a couple of hours straight on BYC but they just pop in. Those are the folks who don't have time to wade - they just want to see if there are any entries and either post, enter, or move on. Hope I don't hurt your feelings, but that's kinda how I see it. :oops:

Not at all...:hugsI'm just trying to inspire others to join the fun with those types of posts, because I am unable to enter being the host.. Although I would save on shipping costs!:lau:lau
I am learning here Blooie, that's all. What to do and what not to do. All feed back is being absorbed in much appreciation.
Perhaps if there is another contest, I would/could have a co-organizer to conscientious object prior to the beginning of conception.
So with that said, my note pad becomes fuller and my wisdom becomes richer..
Would you like to help me organize the next if it were feasible? Or anyone for that matter.. Especially someone with experience.
All I want out of it is to have some fun.. That is the ultimate prize for me.:wee
I have another entry, but took the pics with my canon. I keep meaning to get them uploaded hoping tomorrow. :)
Maybe we should have a bake off next? Of course from what I have seen around here, we have some mad skilled bakers.
Another idea besides meals from around the globe, maybe use a specific ingredient?
I dont mind the photos that are examples and "not an entry" - especially since this is a new concept.
I also think one problem could be the way notifications work. I tend to forget about threads if I don't see a notifiaction. I have to admit - i spend a lot of time on BYC. A lot...
So, tomorrow (after I groom my dog) I will post my 2nd entry. Not saying it will be great, but it might just be OK. :D
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