Zodiac Hatch-A-Long - Waxing Moon in Fruitful Signs HAL

Its almost hatch day here! One day to go. I likely wont know whats going on for a few days until the broody moves.

I hope everyone elses eggs are doing well.

I also have another broody being persistent, she is a Silkie. I might give her a few Silkie eggs to sit on. Just when I thought I was done for the year
My hatch from yesterday produced 15 chicks of 18 eggs. 1 egg was infertile. The other 2 had tons of fluid and I believe they drown while hatching. Those were under my broody chocolate bantam orpington. My hatch for tomorrow has already begun and 7 of 8 shipped eggs have pipped! One is on the wrong end but its breathing and cheeping and the one qith thw air cell at the wrong end pipped on the pip end like it should of in a normal situation but of course the air cell is at its feet. Both are alive and doing ok so far. 3 of my leghorns are out, 1 easter egger is out, and a porcelain d'uccle.

Broody hatch complete.


I love this ones little red and blue face.

I want to be able to steel all of the blue chicks!!!!!!

(but then, I am pretty picky as to what breeds I want...... I will pretend that all of the cute blue chicks are the wrong breeds
@Junibutt, I would agree and keep the temp where it is.

All the brown leghorn eggs that pipped have hatched, candled the other and it died. :hit. 2 more pips and they are the Isabel eggs. They're making bigger holes! Hoping for a 7 of 8 hatch. I've got a few of my own eggs I set too that I forgot about. 1 porcelain d'uccle egg (it has hatched) and 6 EE eggs. There is 1 EE out and the rest are in the air cell.
Update. Head count from my friend... 1 oegb,2 slw, 4EE and 6rir so far =) and in my Hatcher are two Rouens, one runner and a white African gosling.
With some silky eggs for someone else in lockdown and set to hatch tomorrow =)

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