Zodiac Hatch-A-Long - Waxing Moon in Fruitful Signs HAL

7 of the 9 guinea eggs that made it past candling at about 12 days have hatched. The remaining two eggs are GONE. No clue on where they are. She is alone in her 4x4 nursery coop, built solid with hardware cloth on all vent openings. I did notice a mouse in there a couple days ago, but would a mouse eat them? I wonder if she ate them? She was making quick work of any leftover shells.

So, never mind this. I found the remaining two, buried in the nest. One had zipped 75% but must have gotten buried and passed. The other has no pip, no movement on candling and no movement on the water test. I am guessing this one quit a number of days ago. So, Final count: 7 of 12 total, or 7 of 9 if you don't count the clear and the two early quitters.
actually very nice that she didn't eat them! and yeah! that you got a good hatch!

Last I checked, I am up to 5 quail... that still isn't 15 or 20... but better than 2
Congrats on all the new chicks everyone! I've been busy so haven't been around much. The last time I candled was day 8 or 9 and took pics but haven't posted them yet. At that point 3 clears and 3 blood rings out of 40 shipped eggs so 36 going strong ill candle again tonight not sure if I'll be able to take pics but the last time got some real good pics. I'll post them soon

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