Zodiac Hatch-A-Long - Waxing Moon in Fruitful Signs HAL

I set 6 BBS Ameraucanas, 12 Lavender Ameraucanas, 8 Olive Eggers and 1 Barred Rock/RIR double yoker (my sons experiment) yesterday at 1 pm Excited for my final hatch of the season
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Sounds good. I missed this one. I spent the day yesterday building bee hives and ran out of time. I had wanted to sell chicks from this hatch and I thought if I set late yesterday I'd be able to ship day olds on a Monday. But lo, it didn't happen.
Plus, my wife wanted a bunch of eggs for deviled eggs and a quiche. Then I went to a sushi restaurant and all the Chinese waitresses wanted to buy 5 dozen eggs.
Thanks everyone for the help during the hatch. Of the 17 eggs that went into lock-down 15 hatched. So I am a happy camper!
Despite the incubator drama that may have delayed the hatch a little:

2 Hatched on Day 20
6 Hatched on Day 21
8 on Day 22
1 on Day 23

Here is my count so far. I am saying so far because I have some Legbar eggs I kept on putting in every day for a week after setting; so they will keep on hatching for a few more days.

3 Chocolate Orpingtons
2 Mauve Orpingtons
3 Chocolate/Blue/Mauve Splash
1 Blue Orpington
1 BBS Splash Orpington
5 Crested Cream Legbars

Some pics:

Chocolate/Mauve/Splash Orpingtons:


Blue Orpintgon:

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Sweet, a quad of CCL!
Have more coming. I had set 17 Legbar eggs, 13 in my bator and 4 under 2 different broodies. The ones under broodies have hatched 3/4 so far and its 1 white sport, 1 boy and 1 girl (she was killed by the broody). 1 is still due tomorrow.

Of my bator, 6 eggs are still due 5 have hatched 4 girls and 1 boy. None of these are white sport. So I think I am almost getting positive about which hen has the whites. 2 were midway quitters (thanks to me not turning them between day 5-13) They were not in the auto-turner like the rest of the eggs for a few days.

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