Zoe/Zach & Gabriel Got Some Sun (PICS)

I'll have to think on it a bit!! LOL!! ....You know what's funny is I very rarely name my own birds!!! I do have a name for my young BC Marans roo tho....one day he became Harley to me!! Don't have a clue why. I'll see if I can come up with a new name for Zoe!
I'm going to have a hard time calling this one anything except Zoe, LOL, but it doesn't have to start with a Z at all. I was trying to think of something that wouldnt just clash with the names Hawkeye and Gabriel, but this baby is so goofy, it's hard to think of a serious name for him. I thought about Ziggy, but that seems so silly. Better hurry since I have a bunch of babies waiting in the wings for names. Chickens waiting in the wings, hmm, cute.
what about Joey? thats what they call little roos in australia. and its close enough to Zoe...

(nothing wrong with Ziggy either!)

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