Recent content by busymadre

  1. busymadre

    Got sand? You should!

    Maybe put some "sweet PDZ" in there. You find it in the horse section at Tractor Supply.
  2. busymadre

    North Carolina

    This will be my first winter with my chickens. Can anyone advise me on heating my coop or not? I live in Hickory NC
  3. busymadre

    North Carolina

    Thanks! I will start giving them the oyster shells.
  4. busymadre

    North Carolina

    Good morning! - Need some help/advise! Background: My hens are about 22 weeks old. I have 4 hens and one rooster (all Easter eggers). I have been feeding them layer crumbles for several weeks now. They have a sand floor in the run so they get plenty of grit in their diet. The coop has...
  5. busymadre

    Got sand? You should!

    I have river sand in my run and wood chips on my coop floor. The roosting bars have poop boards under them to catch their poop. I put a layer of Sweet pdz (not sure of the spelling - the stuff used in horse stalls) on the poop boards which makes it easy to scoop away the droppings. Think they...
  6. busymadre

    North Carolina

    We have wild geese that walk all around our property. Any way to keep them from wondering around and pooping everywhere?
  7. busymadre

    when to switch from starter feed?

    Is the layer food OK for roosters? wasn't planning on having a rooster - surprise :)
  8. busymadre

    North Carolina

  9. busymadre

    North Carolina

    Good morning all! Does having sand in the run add flea problems? Just heard one of my "hens" crow. Guess my "Girls Club" sign will have to be amended. Thinking of adding a sign under "Girls Club" - "Rooster Protected"
  10. busymadre

    North Carolina

    What a blessing! God works in mysterious ways.
  11. busymadre

    North Carolina

    welcome! I am in Hickory!
  12. busymadre

    North Carolina

    Oh my!Don't think I could wait that long
  13. busymadre

    North Carolina

  14. busymadre

    North Carolina

    I feel your pain! I am anxious for some egg action as well. My girls are 12 weeks old - what about yours?
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