Recent content by summerb76

  1. summerb76

    Dark Brown Mystery Chick from Murray Mcmurray

    She is so pretty and I love love love the lighter one next to her!
  2. summerb76

    Gender- Gender- Gender

    Hen...she's beautiful too!
  3. summerb76

    looking for a good broody breed.

    My phoenix hens have gone broody twice each in about 8 months.
  4. summerb76

    Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

    I made 2 quiches: One is ham, broccoli, onion, white cheddar.. The other one is sausage, onion, edamame, swiss. I will make a toss salad to go with them.
  5. summerb76

    Which to get - Barred Rocks or Easter Eggers?

    I have both breeds and I get just as many eggs from my EE's as I do my BR's. I love the different colors of the EE's alot and the colorful eggs. They are my 1st choice for chickens. But both are great layers and friendly too.
  6. summerb76

    Hello from Central New York!

    I think you have red sex links not rir's. They are very pretty girls.
  7. summerb76

    Attention Boston Terrier Owners!!

    I have a boston and he is so sweet to all my animals. We have about 40 or more chickens, 2 ducks, a kitten. Bosco is good with all of them. He has "chased" the chickens, but never tryed to hurt them, just run and play chase.
  8. summerb76

    Is my egg hatching???!!!!

    Any babies yet???
  9. summerb76

    Question about how many nest boxes

    We have 20 hens that are laying right now and only 3 of our 12 nesting boxes are being used. They will stand and squawk until someone leaves so they can use the same box.
  10. summerb76

    Help me ID these, PLEASE

    I see a black sex with gold on neck. and I see a silver spangled hamberg....the one under the black sex link.
  11. summerb76

    New broody update pg 2

    Well today is day 19...yay! On day 16 we found 1 oozing egg and chucked it across the fence. The 3 eggs left seem to be fine, no oozing at least. Should I expect to see a chick tomorrow? Any advice as to what to do next will be great. I plan on letting mamma do the raising of them, I will just...
  12. summerb76

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    I brought in 13 eggs from 20 girls. But somewhere in the woods behind my fence is a few more i'm sure.
  13. summerb76

    What breeds are these chicks?

    The 1st one looks just like my speckled sussex. Don't know about the second one, but it looks like my EE.
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