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  1. bantamamba

    What Is Up With "Cute"? (Horses)

    Around these parts, "cute" seems to be more well-meaning in terms of physical beauty, or at least in the arab circles. I work and board at a barn geared toward Arabian and half-Arabian horses showing at a very high level. I've only ever heard "cute" used in a positive context here. It has...
  2. bantamamba

    Update on the Arabs (Photo overload, beware)

    thank you everyone, glad you liked. Quote: lol I have no idea. It was something my mother originally wanted to do with Lilly, but she's not too sure she wants to pursue it at this point. However, we have got an invitation to go on a cattle drive with some friends this summer which will span...
  3. bantamamba

    Update on the Arabs (Photo overload, beware)

    Lilly and my mother continue to work toward their goal of showing in Western Pleasure this upcoming season. Lilly is doing well. Sweet and willing, as usual! And getting a little buff lately. She's happy that she is now officially off her "diet" and gets bucket kibbles like everyone else (and...
  4. bantamamba

    Update on the Arabs (Photo overload, beware)

    Hello all, It's been a while, though I've been lurking a fair bit. Thought I'd give a brief update on my two ponies. Which include a nice little pic spam. Don't say I didn't warn you. Colonel Pickering: - Started under saddle, doing well. Though, appears to have an old injury on his front...
  5. bantamamba

    Piano Players?

    I am a performance major on the cello, however I am currently beginning piano as the skills are most useful and also, required. Right now "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow" is pretty much my favourite piano piece ever. Even more so since my electric keyboard can recreate it in helicopter sounds...
  6. bantamamba

    Snake Owners - Share your pics and passion

    Beautiful snakes on here... I have a 15 yo Brazilian Rainbow Boa, "Harry". We've had him since he was 5. We used to have his sister, but she passed many years ago to an intense infection that just couldn't be beat. It was present when we brought her home. I spent a long time trying to revive...
  7. bantamamba

    Cat people -- help please!!

    Okay so...a few days ago, my three year-old male cat was exhibiting symptoms of a UTI. We took him to the vet, they put him on broad spec antibiotics. He appeared to be getting better...but then yesterday morning I caught him urinating pure blood in my sink. Took him back to the vet...they kept...
  8. bantamamba

    Streetlight Interference

    Quote: Ah or perhaps I have the unique ability to actually notice when these things happen. Here's a book thingy I came across.
  9. bantamamba

    Streetlight Interference

    Quote: The watch thing actually happens to my mother! I agree, we are all electric, as it were. It's bound to interfere with devices at least occasionally. I've been trying to make things go out on purpose for a while...but it only seems to happen if I casually glance at a streetlight...
  10. bantamamba

    Streetlight Interference

    It happens to me a lot, ever since I was a child -- I'll be driving or walking down a street, and some street lights will pop off the instant I near their vicinity. It is constant enough that at least three will go off every night I am out, either scattered about or in one area. Sounds silly, I...
  11. bantamamba

    my baby is weirding me out...

    Quote: Excellent response.
  12. bantamamba

    Horse people... I am torn and undecided

    My mum is 5'6" and is a great match for her 14.3 mare: I am 5'8" and comfortably ride a 15.2 gelding (no pics, sorry!) I'm no jumper though. Nowadays people are constantly wanting bigger horses...I say, it isn't so necessary. In fact, most riders I encounter are way over-horsed. (My) ideal is...
  13. bantamamba

    I would like to ask for a moment

    Interesting times we live in...
  14. bantamamba

    Do you think dogs/pets feel the emotion "jealousy"?

    ...and put on a pedestal. Go figure. Eh, you make a good point. I am sorry but...I lol'd at the stories surrounding that cat...our old cat *does* like to go outside, and if I blatantly refuse she'll poop right in the middle of my floor. It is true that abused animals can be kind-hearted...I...
  15. bantamamba

    Do you think dogs/pets feel the emotion "jealousy"? order to, in their mind, protect is a behaviour developed from bad past experiences, or derived from pain. I don't believe *any* animal bides it's time in the shadows planning a vindictive act for when their owner should arrive, or deliberately hurts someone for no reason...
  16. bantamamba

    [update &&& PHOTOS!] Hedgehoggg Babbbiesssss !

    Mine always adored cottage cheese and mealworms!! I had two salt and pepper females...the first one was quite small and young and had to be put down within a few months due to inbreeding-relating health issues. The first few nights at home she would only not make a fuss if I had my hand in the...
  17. bantamamba

    Great, now I am a nervous wreck. All that worrying for nothing.

    Hoping every goes well. Remember to breath... If it IS malignant, you can handle it then. Especially if something like NHL which an onc friend of the family told us is like the "best" cancer to get (take that as you will). But...most lumps of this nature are benign...especially if it is...
  18. bantamamba

    Custom sculptures of your animals

    I was just curious...considering today's interesting economic times, who many of you would be interested in a small, nice quality custom sculpture of your animal? Or bust? Horse, dog, naked mole rat, chicken(s), whatever...hand-painted and in a specified (or non-) pose/size. I do a lot of...
  19. bantamamba

    ARRRGH I think I broke my foot.

    I figured I would update this though I am sure no one really cares, lol. But for courtesy's sake of all who have helped me -- I ended up not going to the doc...yes, yes, I know, stupidity. I have regained most motion in the toe...some days I can flex it more than others. It also seems to depend...
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