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  1. L

    Bantam Duck Project Pen: A new color, or a new breed?

    Okay, so I have some Call Ducks! xD With all the colors I have right now from breeding one little group of ducks, I've decided to breed them as "project ducks", and have an achievable end result in mind color-wise. But here lies the dilemma. There's East Indie in there. >3> I don't know how...
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    A big QUACK! from Indiana. ouo

    Hey there! I may be new to this forum (obviously not to post editors though, heh...), but I've been around poultry since I can remember. I love Brown Chinese geese from afar (already have an established goose flock, don't want to rock the boat), and love most bantam anything to a fault. <3...
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    Calling all Bantam Duck Savvy Users: Was sold "new breed" of duck that is supposedly a Snowy Call/Ea

    So you see, I've had the little ducks for a while. The guy sold them to me as what I stated in the title and said they were brand new; not even a breed yet, but one that should be accepted into the standard soon. My problem arose when I searched them on the internet and came up with no results...
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    Game Bantam hen prolapsed and in pain.... it looks really bad.

    I don't know what else to do. I've looked at half a dozen different articles on prolapse, and it won't go back in, it's angry looking and red, bruised and was slightly weeping earlier, and she keeps straining and crying out. This has been going on for nearly 3 days, but today is the worst she's...
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    Sporatic, Unknown Disease Crippling My Chickens and now a pet Call Duck... and it kills.

    Hi everybody. We've had this disease pop up about once a year, or every other year since about 4 to 5 years ago, and we really need some help. It's so bad, we don't know what's causing it, the chickens take weeks to go on out once they get it, and we haven't been able to find a cure or even a...
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    Hey! Anybody here from Maine?

    Hi! So, we've been thinking about making a big move. We live in Central Indiana, and raise Geese, Call Ducks, Bantam and Large Fowl Chickens, as well as a few Helmeted Guineas. They range on the 5 acre yard (and 6 acre pasture) all day (except for my little guys who I breed for hobby, which...
  7. L

    Lice on my OEG Bantam Chicks....

    Hi! I have some chicks, 7 SD OEG Bantams and 3 Bantam Ameraucanas, that are ate up with lice and nits. I'm afraid to dust them with the stuff I use on my adults(It's kinda like Sevin Dust), because of all the warnings about not to get it anywhere that it could be eaten. My chickens will eat...
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    Sick OEGB Pullet! Protruding breast-bone, weak, will only take fluids!

    Hi! My little pullet Tooie is very ill. I don't even know if she'll be alive by tomorrow. She's been losing weight and depressed for about a week(ever since it dropped off into the teens and then back up to almost 60), and now she can barely stand. I thought she was lonely, since she perked...
  9. L

    Got my 4 first Calls. Breeding Suggestions?

    I posted this in another category, but realized that it was just for chickens, lol. Need to go delete it real quick. I have 4 new Bibbed Calls: 2 Blue Drakes, a Blue Hen, and a Chocolate Hen. My Camera transfer cord doesn't work, so all I can give is a discription for now. Chocolate Hen -...
  10. L

    *Old English Game Bantam Show! Let the "Games" begin!~~Ends 9-1-2011!*

    ****************************************** Welcome to the Old English Game Bantam Show!!! ****************************************** Please read the whole thing thoroughly before entering! Thanks! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ********* Color Chart ********* Standardized Colors...
  11. L

    Question ~ How does the Buddy List work?

    There are a few people on here that I know, but don't what will happen if I click "Add to Buddy List". Is it like sending a friend request on facebook, or are you the only one who knows about which people are on the list? I guess my question is, will they know they've been added to my buddy list...
  12. L

    Any body ever seen this color?

    ...said they were project birds. Has anybody else seen any of these being bred by others, or just seen them around in general?(I feel like I am obligated to breed these just in case I have the only ones ever, but I'm not really set up for it and don't have much funds) *photo removed per OP's...
  13. L

    Egg Eating, Feather Picking breeders, Help?

    I have a d'Uccle hen that picks the others' beards out. I tryed rubbing Vix salve on her pen mates' beards to stop it, but it actually made the problem worse. My trio had also been going after there own eggs for a while like they were supposed to be eating them all along! Grrr. I can't breed...
  14. L

    We have a Raccoon Problem :(

    We have a young coon that keeps killing our chickens. It killed a crippled hen first, and then it killed my grandmas favorite rooster. It was back again at 4:30 pm today, but it was chased off before it killed anybody. It won't stop coming back, and it's going to get one of my breeders or pets...
  15. L

    New d'Uccle Color?

    I bought these d'Uccles locally from somebody who said they are "project birds". She had Mille Fleurs, Porcelains, Black Mottleds and Blue Mottleds in her breeding pens. They're such a beautiful color, and I've never seen any others close to looking like them. I feel as if it's my duty, as one...
  16. L

    Mallard Lane Farms - Exotic Waterfowl & Calls :)

    I have never ordered from her, but I have emailed her about her Calls and and her reply was very friendy and informational. ___She raises___ Wood Ducks - Normal, Apricot, White, and Silver Mandarins - Normal, White, White Throated, and Split Teals - Green-winged, Blue-winged, Cinnamon...
  17. L

    Anybody own Call Ducks?

    I'm hopefully going to have some Snowy Call ducklings soon. Does anybody know if they require any special care? I've never had Calls before, so this is new for me. Are they hardy? Will they be okay in a 4' by 10' pen? Should I dig down a few inches and fill it with river gravel and sand (I've...
  18. L

    My New Keets :) **PICS**

    Here they are! they're so cute. We used two broody chickens to hatch our eggs that we bought from Ebay. We got pieds, purples, pearls, a lavender, and one beige-like color (I think it may be a color cross). We bought our eggs from (I'll post her name later, mom has to look on her ebay accout)...
  19. L

    How to make a duck pen more exciting for my birds?

    I'm going to start breeding Blue Swedish Ducks for pleasure and show, but don't know how I'm going to set up the run. I need to figure out how to make my run less "prison like" to my ducks. My home made chicken pens are all dirt and are, as my mom calls them, "drab". I've done everything I can...
  20. L

    Thinking about a pair or two of Button Quail, but need more knowledge?

    I have been thinking about purchasing a pair of buttons as pets and to breed. I don't know much about them and have a few questions. #1 ~ Which would be a better place to keep them, inside in my room or outside in the barn? #2 ~ Which would be a better cage for a pair of buttons, a screened...
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