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  1. mommaford09

    Chicken butt mystery

    Alright so my OG (older girls) I have had for 2 years now. About 3 months ago, I lost my favorite hen to some kind of dirty butt thing. Now one of my leghorns is having the same thing. She has diarrhea, very tired, not really eating or drinking. Any ideas about what could be wrong?
  2. mommaford09

    5~8 week old chicks died in one day

    I have chicks that are 8 weeks old and 5 of them have just dropped dead. They were fine and then I find them laying down with their eyes closed and they get trampled to death. I have already started to introduce these chicks to my flock and now I am worried about my entire flock of 75. What in...
  3. mommaford09

    White junk in a hen's eye????

    I have a hen that I discovered had little white junk in the corner of her eye on Thursday. I separated her and started her on vitamins and vet RX. But now it's Sunday and it is getting worse. Does anyone know what this is and what kind of treatment I can give her? Someone said it was Coryza but...
  4. mommaford09

    Blue Black cochin hen or roo?

    I bought 3 blue/ black cochin bantams as females. But there is one I am questioning. I bought them a month and a half ago and they were between 3-4 months then. I have a suspicion that its a male but is not crowing. So I don't know. This one has a dark color to its feathers and bigger crown and...
  5. mommaford09

    Breed or gender?

    I got these 5 little chicks from an elementary school that hatched them and didn't have any place for them to go. I have no idea if they are purebred or mixed or anything. The teacher just said a parent donated them. either a gender or breed or both, any guess would be appreciated.
  6. mommaford09

    pullet or roo?

    I am trying to narrow down what is a pullet and what is a roo. Basically who is staying and who is going. These are my 6 week old chicks. Suppose to be pure bred but some were not. So if anyone knows the breed great, but I mostly want male or female. TIA
  7. mommaford09

    mixed sexlink?

    I bought an assortment of pure bred eggs. I mean I saw how she had them group and cross mating was near impossible if you ask me. Anyways everything hatched correctly and then there is this one. Not that I am complaining bc I am in love with "her" colors. And good lord please tell me it's...
  8. mommaford09

    What are my chickens

    I have some new babies that I am wondering what they are. I got the eggs from my neighbor and she does care to know the breeds of her chickens. All hatched from green and brown eggs. They are between 6-8 weeks. TIA the one the left please. The one on the right is the same chicken...
  9. mommaford09

    2 week old pekin with umbilical cord attached

    I had a pekin duckling that hatched on Easter. I had to help it or it wouldn't have survived. Well it couldn't walk and its neck was crooked. It also had the yolk attached and it took a couple of days for the umbilical cord to detach from the shell. I got it's neck and legs fixed. Looking at it...
  10. mommaford09

    Roo or pullet and breed?

    I am doing this in batches bc I have 7 I wanna know about. Plus the other pics came out awful. This one is unnamed so we will call it number 1. LOL I think it is a roo but have no idea on the breed. This is obviously a turken. But is it a roo or pullet? I am hoping for a roo since we named...
  11. mommaford09

    rooster and hen going broody together?

    I have 2 bantams and they have been doing this for 3 days now. The boy sits in their little nest and then the girl. The boy growls and runs around; she gets up and he goes and sits. What in the world are they doing? The first day it was like an April fools joke. They were actually sitting on an...
  12. mommaford09

    2 of my hens ate Foxglove, what do I do?

    So 2 days ago, 2 of my hens were acting really strange. They were off balance and really sleepy. After much searching and racking my brain, I realize they got into my daughters plant for her butterfly garden and it was foxglove. So for 2 days they have been in my house sleeping, but not eating...
  13. mommaford09

    Hen falling over

    This morning I discovered one of my hens sleeping under the roost. She is lethargic and acting like she can't stand up. when she does she falls over or limps a few steps and then falls over. Yesterday she was fine. I watched her free range and there was no problems. Any ideas on what could be...
  14. mommaford09

    Hen laying 2 soft shell eggs at a time

    I have a hen who is about 24 weeks. She just started laying and she laid 2 eggs on Saturday and both were soft shell. I thought it was from her just learning how to lay but today I found 2 more from her. One egg is usually intact but soft and the other is broke open. It was like that both times...
  15. mommaford09

    Hen just laying around

    My 14 week New hampshire red is just laying around today. Usually she is very social but today she is not going after the mealworms and chose to just lay behind me instead of jumping on my back. She even buried herself under the water dish to the point I thought she was dead because she was just...
  16. mommaford09

    Roo injuring my girls

    I have 10 chickens with 3 ending up being males. 2 are docile and calm and then there is my Easter Egger Cockerel. He pecks at everyone else when they try to eat. He pulls the feathers off of them. And every morning I get up and someone is bleeding on their comb. I don't know what to do. Any...
  17. mommaford09

    Help with the breeds

    I am new to raising chickens and would love to learn about what kind of breeds my babies are. Thanks! Midnight Luna Big Bertha Lil Baby Nutmeg Ninja Thing 1 and Thing 2
  18. mommaford09

    Rooster? And what breed?

    I am new to the raising chickens world and this is my first flock. I have 2 chickens that I need help with. One I can't tell if it's a rooster or not. It acts very agressive lately, but doesn't look anything like my other chickens or roosters. The second one I am worried about because she is so...
  19. mommaford09

    City Girl turned Country girl

    Hey ya'll! My name is Jeanette. I was born and raised in Tampa, Florida. Met a great man and between us we had 3 daughters. Then up and moved to a little city next door called Plant City (home of the winter strawberries) and eventually had our first kid together a boy. My grandparents moved to...
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