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  1. Darnbunnies

    The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

    Good Morning Old Mission Chick, We have 4 KC hens none of which have heads that dark but they do come in different shades and color distributions. I don't think I have ever seen one that matches the standard. The quacking was the first indicator and of course a tail feather never...
  2. Darnbunnies

    The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

    50 acres with a stream sounds like duck heaven but you many not have 6 for long as it is predator heaven as well. Maybe you need a border collie and a Hula Hoop:
  3. Darnbunnies

    The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

    I would love to see a video of this. My ducks are easy to herd as well. There is a training center near by that uses ducks to train herding dogs.
  4. Darnbunnies

    The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

    My chickens single file it into the hen house on their roosters command. Once he announces he is going to roost they follow. They do not look for their nests but roost on the bars set up in the hen house. The ducks stay on the ground in an area where they are protected on three sides...
  5. Darnbunnies

    The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

    I have a large hen who has gone broody. Does anyone in the Norco area have fertile Khaki Campbell eggs for sale? Please contact me if some are available in the next couple of days. Thank you, -DB
  6. Darnbunnies

    The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

    Hi Ducklove290, My KCs are six months old and lay eggs that are extra large. The KCs did not go through a pullet stage. Their eggs have always been much bigger than the eggs we get from our chickens which are all heavy breeds. The shells look like ivory porcelain vs the rougher looking...
  7. Darnbunnies

    The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

    Fingers and toes crossed for you. Hope this is the beginning of a new adventure in hatching for you and yours. Both chickens and ducks may continue to contribute eggs into the clutch. Keep us updated. -DB
  8. Darnbunnies

    The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

    Not much a hatchling can learn from an incubator. So daughter learned from mother as it should be in the natural world. What a beautiful environment you've provided for your ducks. I'd go broody too! -DB
  9. Darnbunnies

    The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

    How old are your KCs? You can try to entice your girls to go broody by placing fake eggs or rounded rocks into the nest. The birds are not programmed to any length of incubation. If a bird is broody she will sit on the fakes or rocks for weeks or until the rocks are removed. If one does go...
  10. Darnbunnies

    The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

    I have 4 KCs and none of them shows any interest in sitting on eggs. I based my choice on their egg laying prowess and articles like the link below reinforced the idea that to breed and grow the flock I would need a broody hen or an incubator: "Hens very seldom hatch out their own young...
  11. Darnbunnies

    The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

    I am looking for local fertile Khaki Campbell eggs in the Norco area. Any out there for sale? -DB
  12. Darnbunnies

    The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

    YES! My girls start quacking when they hear my car drive up and don't stop until they see me. They quack when the barn door opens and don't stop until they are fed. They quack when they want to get to the front of the treats line. They quack just to hear themselves quack. They sound so...
  13. Darnbunnies

    The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

    Do you have both males and females?
  14. Darnbunnies

    The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

    Mine are tan at hatching. Aren't Pekings yellow when they hatch? -DB
  15. Darnbunnies

    The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

    I purchased 4 3-month old KCs advertised as 3 females + 1 drake. I watched for coloration differences, listened for voice differences, and looked for any sign of the telling tail feather. They look alike, sound alike and no one developed a tail feather. Good news is I get 4 eggs a day!
  16. Darnbunnies

    The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

    Thank you for the info. Look forward to hearing about the result of your hatch. Please keep us updated. -DB
  17. Darnbunnies

    The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

    My goodness, from where did you get 21 fertile KC eggs? Color me envious. -DB
  18. Darnbunnies

    The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

    We are in Southern CA and are looking for a KC drake who needs a home. Hoping someone hatches too many drakes and wants to rehome a drake to a very good home in the Inland Empire. Thank you, DB
  19. Darnbunnies

    The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

    How much fun are you having? My H-Bator came with instructions on hatching different types of eggs. I'm sure you can find detailed instructions for hatching duck eggs online.. I have 4 KCs 3 hens and 1 drake. Two have started laying. I'm having fun too! Best of luck with your hatch. Keep...
  20. Darnbunnies

    The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

    How fun! Your girls are beautiful. -DB
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