5th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2014 Hatch-A-Long

I so so want to win something in this contest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1. Best Hatch Rate...
Not going to be this one...
I set 18 eggs and only 15 made it to the hatcher, all but 1 have hatched or pip'ed. But i'm not giving up on that last one until I have too.

2. Best Hatch a Long Participant
Not even a chance in **** for me on this one.
Many more of you are way better participants than me.
Prize: BYC Calendar

4. Random Post Contest Closed
Lost this one also.
Winner announced for post 2314 @tadpole98

5. Number of egg set for Hatch a Long Closed
I guessed 951, missed it by a hair...A very big hair. Dang lost this one too.
Winner: Chickenboy190 with a guess of 1594

6. Random Post contest II
Not really a chance here either, I don't post enough. Odds are not in my favor.

7. Worst Hatch Rate
I wish everybody would have had success... My sympathy to those of you it did not work out so well for.
If you need a few chicks to be with a loner chick, Send me a PM and I will give you some chicks for the cost of shipping.

So the only thing left is... 3. Cutest Chick Hatched
And I want your vote.. Please Please vote for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blow on my belly...I mean vote for me. The little chick said.

Hmmmm... I'd prefer to be 'in the middle' of any of those - extremes are dangerous
, (best hatch rate would be great to achieve, but it's a prize in and of itself, and likewise is not a possibility)
Either I'm not competitive, or it's because I'm thinking that I already won,because - *I* got the chicks!!!
yeah I couldn't fall asleep listening lol

some brooder questions... what temp should the warm spot be? and what color light bulb? I have lots of options. also I got probiotics and electrolytes for their water, should i put it innow or let them have fresh water first? or should i offer both? I think I need to go to the brooder soon cuz they are pecking my poor Styrofoam bator
Pozees answered this perfectly!

95 the first week and then drop 5 degrees a week until feathered.

I am hearing small little chirps! I have 17 Crested Cream Legbar eggs and they are all looking great!
My eggs are stabilized in a camping egg carrier, and the moisture is helped to be maintained by a diaper with the elastic and tabs trimmed off laying in the largest part of the trough under the wire--which is covered by the open weave drawer liner. The eggs are on the side of the little carrier that has spacers so the egg has air circulation completely around the egg. Humidity is abut 70% and temps are probably just about 99 degrees.

The condensation on the glass says that the humidity is much higher than 70%. Too high starved them of oxygen.
Help, please! I noticed that when a few of my eggs first pipped, the chick didn't poke a hole through the membrane, just bumped the shell out/off. The outer membrane is white, not brown like it's drying out, and humidity has been good. Can they breath through the membrane even if it's not punctured? Is this even something to worry about?

That is perfect!

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