Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

I'm glad you had a relatively successful hatch .

Today while I was standing outside the older bird's pen visiting with the landlord the birds started screaming . I turned to see several in hot pursuit of a younger chick ; one more lost chick had found its way back in right under my nose LOL . The older birds ran in into the corner of the coop where it tried to hind between the wall and a corner pole ; I caught it and put in it the baby pen bringing the count to 6 penned / 4 missing .

I'm glad you found another one!!
for the rest of them!!
Thank you chooks . Poor management on my part , didn't think a 4 week old would and could squeeze through a 2" opening . The breeder I got them from has generously offered me a great price on an older splash cockeral plus some blue pullets . I'll be keeping a flock of pure B/B/S but the first use of these is a cross with some now 10 and 1/2 week old Jumbo Cornish meaties so having some Ameraucana a little older to breed with the CX as soon as they start laying is better . If I manage to get this cross made they should produce some very large , meaty , blue/green egg layers for the start of a better [ IMHO ] dual purpose breed . The first generation will be white , but using the splash Ameraucana should give me a colorful flock in the F2 generation as well as the increased size . I'll also be crossing in white laced red Cornish on the CX so should eventually get some blue laced reds .
Steve, I'm glad another baby came home. It's so hard not knowing if they're alive or dead.

Wow, it took me about 20 minutes to quickly catch up on this thread, lol! I don't come to town much in the summer, jand I don't have internet out at the farm, so I was way behind.

I finally got a few new pics of the birds I got earlier in the year from Jean. There are 3 Silver girls, a Wheaten girl, and a handsome Black/Silver split cockerel who's tail has seen better Guineas' fault!

Thanks Cherry . No sign today of the 4 escapees so I am assuming they're dead . The 6 remaining actually stayed out of the dark corner they run to at my approach once forced to leave it today . While I know they're eating and foraging when I'm not around today is the first time they remained out in my presence .

Nice birds you have from Jean , congrats .
ETA : Its not very cheap , but my internet service is from U.S. Cell and has worked everywhere I've traveled to when competing with my bulldogs ; its a high speed service that works anywhere there's cell phone signal .
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Id like an expert opinion. Do I have an EE or Ameraucana pair? They were free so no biggy if they are EE. The Roo is on the far left the Hen is in the middle between the barred rock and the Sexlink. The hen hasn't laid yet so no way to know egg wise. Thanks!

Can you get a pic without the fence in it? Hard to see the girl- but the roo looks very similar to my splash wheaten (through the fence). Does he look like this? :


( they're out in the rain so his beard is all wet & flat)
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I lost one of my Wheaten Ameraucana pullets today. They're kept in an uncovered run during the day when I'm not home, when I am here they free range. Well I went to go put everyone to sleep (they're still having some difficulty going in their temporary coop, I moved them from the brooder in the garage a couple weeks back) and instead of having 4 pullets there were only 3.
I looked all over the backyard, the neighbor's backyard and in the coop with the big girls, but my pullet was nowhere to be found.

Why does it always have to be the ones that you care for the most?
Not that I don't love them ALL, but my Wheatens were getting so pretty! I would have been furious if it had been one of my BW girls, luckily though they were both there.

What do you think could have taken her? I live in the middle of the city, in a very urban area so I can't think of any predators that would roam during the daytime. Cats mabye? But there are 2 cockerels in their pen that are quite large, I can't see a cat jumping in and attacking them. Also, there were no signs of a struggle. No feathers strewn all over the ground, no breaks in the chicken wire. I'm kind of clueless? We have seen hawks every once in a blue moon, but I can't imagine a hawk diving into their tiny run, I could be wrong though.

Either way, I'm bummed.
I think I'll cover their run with some netting this weekend, just in case.
Jeremy, double check any thick patches of brush/plants you have. on two occasions, my girls have gotten spooked by a dog and ran like bullets under the brush. I could barely find them, even though I had seen them dive in. I hope you find your pullet.

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