Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

In reference to Jeremy:
WM just sent us 6 of his blue wheaten hens and they are gorgeous; really nice egg color! Now they just need to start laying again

Good luck!!!
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OK, just posted this in the EE bragger thread, but meant to post it here! Sorry all who see both....
Wondering if anyone has a full grown EE who started out looking like this? She was grey/blue and yellow, but is turning white and buff. Can I see a pic? Thanks so much!!



Wait, why did you mean to post it here? She's an EE, so the EE Braggers thread is the right place to go.
Ameraucanas are their own pure breed.

She'll grow to be yellowish light brown with blue hackles and tail though. Not a color you can actually put a label on, but there are quite a few EE's with her color.
Oh my. I didn't know there was a difference. I think she was actually listed at the store as an ameraucana, but I didn't know there was a difference and EE is easier to type!

Maybe THIS is the right thread and the other is wrong. I know the araucana (sp?) has no tail, but I thought the rest could be called either.

10 minutes later..
OK got my learning on. Thanks!
What kind of notification did you get? We've been waiting for word about ours.

wayne sent me a email
been waiting a while can't wait
I had 2 lavender Ameraucanas hatch this morning, Can some one post a pic of what they should look like when they dry out? please.

nevermind, all I had to do was go back a page or two.
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