Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Besides trying to keep the dark red, I have been working on the blue color. I want it to look blue and not gray
I had posted when Francesca was about 8 weeks old and thought I was getting a BLRW. Everyone here told me she was a GLW. ( was told all the chicks were BLRW from the gal who bought them from a breeder on BYC and then she had to find new homes for them due to personal circumstances. I wrote to the breeder and he said her colors would change as she molted! I don't think that would happen) One day I would still love to have a BLRW to add to my mixed flock of girls. I think they are very beautiful as well as my GLW's. Francesca just started to lay on Dec. 14th.

For those in the know, how can we as learners tell the difference between a Black BLRW and a Good Lace Wyandotte?

Most of us go off of what another breeder tells us, and until we post what we believe is one thing and then get a stern reply about how wrong we are and that we are jeopardizing the breed, we find out we have something different.

Add a few pictures if you have them showing the differences or similarities. Can you us either one, are they really the same thing, what should you look for?

What lines is he from? My splash rooster started out with yellow legs and they turned pink as he matured. He is from the Greg Catt line and bred to my Foley, Blue Poultry and Paul's Poultry line hens he produces yellow legs in his offspring
I would do a few test hatches and see what he produces
My rooster seems to produce the best chicks when bred to my Foley hens.

Fabulous color!
Wish I had more breeding pens. But I can't take on another few pens and live to tell about it. I am worked to death already.

Oh, and to all the folks that ask what people think about their birds. I, and I am sure others, would love to answer specifically but I am not a Wyandotte expert. I breed what I like, which is why I have Foley bloodlines.

Otherwise, all your birds are beautiful! Please don't feel offended if no one answers. Just keep posting photos and talking about your plans and your birds. That is what we are all here for.
I believe the personal circumstance is... She knew it wasnt blrw

But the bird is gorgous. The only bad thing I see is the comb... She should have a rose comb, lookw to have a single comb.
I am seeing tons of blrw eggs in auction right now.

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