Bobcat grabbed hen not 5 feet from me!

You seriously need to do some research before you start spouting off and trying to sound all important and wise. Bobcats can and will get much larger then 20 pounds. Just like coyotes can get far larger then 20-30 pounds. They can and will attack humans, adult or child as well as any and all livestock. Particularly if they are sick, starving or especially if they have starving kittens.

My area is having a coyote problem. There is a massive wildlife preserve running along the one mountain, however local livestock that has been on farms that just happen to predate the wildlife preserve for some 200 years are now being harassed and ravaged because the coyotes have learned where the easy food is. When an animal with a healthy, hunting protected and extremely plentiful reserve decides to leave for the easy meal that’s not a farmers or homeowners fault.

Most recently they have destroyed a welded wire pen of turkeys and a similar pen of ducks at my neighbors. Before that in broad day light I personally had a small coyote eyeing up my toddler. Two adults and the one adult holding a stomping ticked off horse (horse does not appreciate the coyotes at all) standing WITH the toddler did not seem to deter the little coyote in the least. THAT is abnormal behavior, that is unsafe and as a parent I can tell you right now its not being tolerated.

And most importantly you do not know they laws and regulations of where the rest of us live. So don’t act as if the rest of us are stealing your precious wildlife when it is fully legal for ME to shoot and dispose of ANYTHING actively attacking or harassing my children or my livestock.
First Bobcats are not protected by federal laws........Laws are not the same for all states, matter of fact they are pest in some States. Your State may not have trouble with Bobcats, here we dont either. You don't know the problem and damage the bobcats do in other States. So much for theft of wildlife. Predators here are given back to the wildlife....BUZZARDS.........i just help with a little LEAD
Its interesting to see the different attitudes that folks have about this topic, and how excited they seem to get about it.

Personally I have lost a lot of chickens over the years by trying to let them free range. When we lived by the woods, I expected high losses. Then, I cooped the birds in what I thought was a secure manner. It wasn't. I woke up to killing fields fairly frequently, finding what I suspect was the work of intrepid coons or pussums. The story is the same everywhere you go, they test your security all the time. Different varmints have wiped me out before.

We now have a place in the middle of nowhere, with no neighbors. We've been here about a year, and its got to where I just grab a shotgun and head out the door anytime I hear the birds squawking like somethings after 'em. It doesn't bother me in the least to shoot pests that come up on the part of my property that is clearly inhabited by humans and domestic stock. I killed about 10 rattlesnakes out here so far this summer, and I'm getting a little callous.
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I don't know where you live but if it is in NYS you'd be in serious trouble for taking out a coyote or bobcat, even one caught with one of your chickens in its mouth, as both species are protected furbearers. Not only that but violation of fish and game laws are harder to overturn than most other laws--you're guilty unless you can prove otherwise--and the fine is immediate.

Edited to add:"The Bobcat is listed in Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES),[47] which means it is not considered threatened with extinction, but that hunting and trading must be closely monitored."

BTW: Largest bobcat weight, a male, was a tad under 50 lbs. Most top out at 30.
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So sorry about Lucy

It's a shame to have to kill a beautiful animal for being what it is and doing what it does,.. but sometimes we have to,..

If you want to call these folks before you shoot it,.. which you can do in NC,.. maybe they can help you AND the bobcat,.. but you have the right to protect yourself and your chooks. ( well for now anyway)

National Bobcat Rescue & Research Foundation 972-567-3660 hotline#
and like I said you (as in the general you) dont know where I live but yes, for ME it is totally legal. my point being each person needs to find out and deal with their specific legislation before assuming that another person is in the wrong legally. in fact where I happen to live its open season year round no bag limit on coyotes and any animal caught harassing or destroying livestock or children irregardless of fur bearer status is fair game.
I don't know where you live but if it is in NYS you'd be in serious trouble for taking out a coyote or bobcat, even one caught with one of your chickens in its mouth, as both species are protected furbearers. Not only that but violation of fish and game laws are harder to overturn than most other laws--you're guilty unless you can prove otherwise--and the fine is immediate.

Edited to add:"The Bobcat is listed in Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES),[47] which means it is not considered threatened with extinction, but that hunting and trading must be closely monitored."

BTW: Largest bobcat weight, a male, was a tad under 50 lbs. Most top out at 30.

Just goes to show how different places are. In my state you get PAID $20 for every Coyote you kill. $20 bounty so nice!
I live in California where everything's illegal but if you call Animal Control, that's what they do is kill the animal. So if you don't want the animal killed, you don't call Animal Control. That's all there is to it.

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