BYC Café

Good afternoon/evening cafe. This has been a very busy day!

We finally got the roosters processed. Igor had to make a kill cone, 5 gallon buckets are awesome! Today went smoothly, but Igor understood when I said I'd lost my nerve to do the deed over the last week. I did all the rest no problem so the next time I'm going to try.

We have 2 chicks and the second 2 are working hard to get out of their shells. The two that have hatched have naked necks, yay for that!

I got the coop cleaned out and we finished up a new nest area today, I put some golf balls in there and we've repaired the pvc feeder and done some other odds and ends. I'm pooped, so there's some strong coffee for anyone who needs a jolt.

Have a good night all :frow
Most people don’t do that!? :eek: that should be standard care for all of them!

But I am sure that plays a big part in it and people see how much you care about the animals.
I have seen animals with no bedding( end up coated in poo), no shade, no water or food. The swaps require it, but not enforced generally.

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