Coffee's ready...

mmmm Coffee
Good morning People,
Warm spell this morning. I must say I woke up late. When I did it was 22 deg's. We went for a nice local walk here and afterwards, out to dinner. I had one of my favorites, calamari in a pepper marinara sauces and to wash it all down, some wine (White Zinfandel). The left overs make a good breakfast. Nice quiet day today once I "release" the birds.... I have some seed, shrub and tree catalogs to drool over.

annaraven: Thank you.

Enjoy your day

Yep. My hooligans were clucking quite a bit when I got up to release them this morning. Now they're mostly quiet, except for occasional announcements of "I'm a hen! I lay eggs!"
Is that what they are saying, Annaraven? Funny!
What a beautiful hike, Kaj! Hiking up 2000 feet in 4 hours is impressive! I don't know if I could handle hiking with the temps being that low. I can handle snow, but under about 30 may be too much for me. I love calamari, too!! Yumyum!

My Marans has a swollen looking rear end. She didn't lay an egg yesterday, and none so far today. I'll keep an eye on her - she is acting fine, but it is awfully weird looking back there. She rarely misses a day of laying.

I'm halfway through the project of moving files from the broken cabinet to the craigs list find cabinet. Tedious, but getting me organized. Lots of stuff to recycle or shred. And my house is finally clean, time to take a break and read for a while. Then take the van full of stuff we cleared out to the thrift store.

I am debating selling my camper and going back to tent camping. I have a dilema, as it does not have shoulder straps so I can't use my son's new car seat in it. You really aren't supposed to put 3 year olds on the front seat, either. I have his old car seat in there, but I'm pretty sure he is technically too tall for it. I may sell the van and my Prius and get a big honkin hybrid SUV.

Well, time for some lunch and a break. Have a nice long weekend!
Hay chicks - its hard to know what to do for the best with kids isn;t it!!!!!!
We just sold the camper we bought - remember how we worked hard on it!!!!! It was such a mess when we got it and we made it lovely inside. Funny thing is we only got to take it out for one run and that wasn;t even overnight. It only had one foward facing rear seat. - OK for Danny but not for Jessica. We bought it to do up and sell on and so we did. We made £400 on it but I miss it now its gone. We are thinking of buying another caravan and ditching the idea of a camper van. We want one but they are too expensive for the size we need. So we are back to the drawing board with that. Were not getting anything for a few weeks I think cause were going away to Maliga in Spain and then travelling down to Gibraltar to see where DH was stationed as a soldier. It will be a good trip I think but NO camper needed - nice HOtels I think and pampering this time!

Well my chicken Math is about to get fuddled up again. - Got the three new girls as you all know and they are starting to settle in well. Florence and Mable are really close which is good cause Mable is a bit of a Buzzard to everyone else! Anyhow a fellow phoned DH today as he is getting rid of his chickens and looking homes for them ( Only he has 30 hens - how can I choose?????????? )

We will see what happens - DH is on a mission we just got another large coop made and put in the run. Though all the girls went to the old coop tonight as I wasn;t there to sort them out.

Oesdog - Agnes a new hen is adorable she honks when she is having an egg!!!!!!!
Well folks:

Aubrey and Marlon are going away today to Reno (NOT a euphemism for freezer camp!) to make beautiful babies. A lovely BYC lady is picking them up this afternoon. DH insisted on sitting outside this morning with the chickens for a while before they left. He sat there and read his paper and Buffy decided he needed some chickenlove and jumped up in his lap! It was cute. Buffy is the biggest chicken, so it was really cute, this big golden puffball in his lap, clucking at him. After a bit, she hopped up on his shoulder and then decided he was loved up enough and flew down to go bughunt some more.
Hey guys, haven't been on here for ages but Oesdog said i MUST come back!
I don't have coffee atm as it is 11.30pm and I am in bed but do have a cup of tea beside me!! I thought I would post something before going to sleep!!
I was working for a few months before Christmas and just didn't seem to find the time to do anything but work and look after kids and animals!!
But i am back now......a few things have happened, I sold my highland filly foal and took her to her new owners yesterday
twas a sad day but she will be well looked after. So, I managed to buy myself a laptop with some of the money I got for her which means i can come on here in bed, which is maybe not such a good idea!!!
I got 3 new hens, a welsummer( Eleanor), a marans(Meg) and what was meant to be a cream legbar but looks like a wyandotte X (Mairi-Ann), she does lay blue/green eggs though and she is very gorgeous so I don't mind what she is and once i get pics of her i shall post them here!!
I am getting a new silkie boy too, my friend and i hatched silkies last year and i ended up with all girls and she got 3 boys and a few girls, so i am going to give her a girl and she will give me a black boy, i don't know what JimBob my huge roo will think of John Boy the new silkie but JimBob is also going to a new home this year as he is a bad boy and likes to go for me so my friend offered to swap him for an araucana roo who is much nicer!!!
We had bad snow this winter down to -18 but luckily none of the hens got frostbite apart from a tiny wee bit on JimBobs wattle. The snow has only disappeared in the last few days but i am so glad the hens get to scratch on the grass again!!

Well I hope you are all well and all had a lovely Christmas and new year!
Love Nik
Hi folks busy day. Yesterday too. BDay for neice and then to friends for a nice beef stew dinner. It was really good.

today , church and then worked to modify Brwn leghn crate. Added a roost and nest box to the front. Also put in a secure feeder. Darn roo kept knocking voer the the dish of food. I am tired.

Broody hatched a chick today. Amazing it's freezing out and she gets off the nest to eat, I hear peeping under friz broody come back today after church and the other hen is there with the new chick. They just kept switching nest boxes. I've been taking out the new eggs that others lay. I X'd the broody eggs so i could tell them apart . Deos any of this make sense.

so anyhow no takers for the oens forsale and now I have more. Lord have mercy! This mean no incubator for awhile. That's 22 chicks if the new one survives.

I am tired, ta, ta for now

Good to "see" you Tartnik!! Sorry you had to sell your horse, but it sounds like you have some lovely addtitions to your flock.
I bet you will find buyers for your chicks come spring, Rancher. Too bad you aren't closer. I have several friends that want to get chickens soon.
Still no egg from the Marans, so that is two days in a row - very unusual for her. She isn't acting like there is anything wrong, but I will try and catch her and feel her abdomen if I don't have an egg from her by the end of the day. The swollen area doesn't have any feathers on it. Someone is singing the egg song out there now. Hopefully it is her.
It has been raining all morning. My yard looks like a swamp. Dreary day, just got around to getting dressed at almost 11 o'clock! And then I put on fuzzy, oversized sweats, so I'm still esentially in my pajamas. But I have been fairly productive with the organizing project. Made a second pot of coffee to enjoy while listening to the rain.

Well, time to keep sorting and tossing. Have a great day!

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