coop Sold out :)

they arrive toorrow or Monday at latest so they will be in by next weekend. either day is fine I'll be here

ETA I have a few chickens and ducks for sale if anyone picking up is interested.
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HappyChick-I hope everything is OK with the town. let me know if you have to move any showgirls...aracuanas....
I can attest to these ducks and chickens being darling and sweet...the ducks are hilarious! They are so happy with just their little pool, and they forage all day....their beaks are covered with mud all the time! The Araucana hens are SO beautiful! They are just maturing and their colors are just fantastic. (and ask me about my new breed of japanese bantam-araucana crosses that are a tiny rumpless bird, with a tiny croaking crow in the roos!)

Next Sunday the 23rd is the next meetup meeting, so if anyone has to meetup you can do it around that. Its at cosi on high ridge rd in Stamford.

Id love to talk about the greenwich audubon green living show Sept 19-20, where we will have a booth on backyard poultry. We can sell eggs and birds (though we cant sell birds there exactly...we can show pics but bird transfer will have to happen elsewhere...tho I hardly think they would know if you walked out of the place with a box to the people's car....makes the guy nervous because we dont know if people are set up for birds)
It should be a fun, kid friendly event and there will be alot of great information there on solar power and green living...which I am all for.
we've got a guy in the meetup who is a contractor and who is trying to figure natural ways to heat coops ...and I want a solar panel on mine!

anyway, happy chick, lets talk, and all the rest of you who are local, come to the meetup. Its at

Got a call trom the trucking company this afternoon they will be here tomorrow before 9 am they got backed up today. I will try to get to UPS tomorrow with one by the afternoon and figure out exact shipping then.
Good, I will be home tomorrow, after two weeks away and my son's wedding (very exciting event).

I would like to know shipping.

Of course I plan to pay the extra, but I would really like to know something--did the sellers rip you off somehow? I do not want you to be left holding the bag, but I am thinking that they have somehow done something very unethical, and we should at the very lest know not to deal with them ever.

You understand, I do not think this of you, only the people you are buying from.

no I dont think I was ripped off per-se they were honest in that all the payments were made to get them to the port. The extra fees came from a bond needed (dont ask I still dont understand) Custom fees, port unloading fees etc...All these fees are US related and it is possible the guy in China was not aware or figured I knew.
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That sounds typical because there are fees are any imported items...I think it is a 'punishment' for buying goods cheaper and importing them. Who knows.

I am so excited ... hehehehe Thanks again for sharing these with us and I am so sorry it has been a bit of a pain. At least if you do it in future, you will know and be prepared for this nonsense. We will help cover the costs for you...we are good people.

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