coop Sold out :)

ha thats so funny I was just about to post.

Getting them through customs was harder than I thought and I had to eventually hire the company to do it all for me. I just got off the phone with them they will be delievered by monday, customs is finally clearing them today
Yay! I am so excited about these little things. I just put the first coat of paint on the inside walls of my duck house so things are moving right along the time my bachelor pad and quarantine coops get to me from you, I should be ready to go.

I can't wait till you have them all delivered! So exciting. I have to take a trip to NYC next weekend. It would be awesome if I could swing by and pick mine up. Lets hope they are almost here!

Please let us know the dimensions of the box when you get them in. It would be great if I can fit it in the car. Really hate to drive the truck around Manhattan anymore!

Thanks for your generosity and offering to include all of us in this venture. I'm so happy about this little coop!
well everything is good to go they may even arrive tomorrow, but it cost me a lot more than I had estimated $955.18 more, so if anyone wants to make a donation of $20 towards it I would really appreciate it although it is not mandatory it just would be nice because I am now loosing money.

But I am still really excited and will post as as they make the call that the truck in on the way. I will be at UPS the very next day and conferm size and shipping costs for all.
OUCH! You should charge the extra $ to all. No reason you should be out that cash! I'm sure there are enough of us here to buy all the extras from you. Business is business.
Donations sound fine to me...I will add it to whatever you quote me for shipping less deposit and all...Once I see what shipping is, I might can add more to help cover that.
OUCH! You should charge the extra $ to all. No reason you should be out that cash! I'm sure there are enough of us here to buy all the extras from you. Business is business.

oh no there arent any extra coops just stupid extra fees. although I might sell one of mine on craigs list for more to help make up some of the difference. I really should have known better but I asked if there were extra fees and they said no. Also I could probably save myself $150 of it if I went to NJ and picked them up myself but I would have to rent the truck and it would take up a whole day so I felt it was not worth it. So technically $150 is because I am being lazy and making the choice to have it delivered to me. In all fairness though it is 3 palletts lol

For all those who do understand and can make the extra $20 payment thank you very much

I really cant wait btw I have my space all ready and silkies ready to be split up.

The really cool thing is that they also would build to my own specs, it would be cool to improve the design and build a BYC coop
You can count on the extra $20 from me.

Just in case anyone who is purchasing one of these coops is upset about this suggestion please keep in mind the following:
The original price offered was $180 now with the suggested $20 it is a total of $200. We are still getting these for more than 50% off their normal list price! Iknow times are tough but lets help out our fellow BYC member by doing what we can to help her cover these extra costs.

Thank you for offering this great deal to us and for enduring all the behind the scene hassles and cost that this has been! (and for dealing with my contant nagging
Susan-Im down for the extra 20 also. I sent 100$ deposit for 2 coops-Ill use that 100$ towards 1 and why don't you sell the other on craiglist for more? I mean, I don't "need" the 2nd coop I just "want it" LOL...If this helps let me know if not...dont forget abou the other cages I have for you? You let me know what you want to do?? Thanks, Natalie

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