d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

Cynthia- Hate to hear bout the fire. But like Aubrey said. glad no one was hurt and it is fixable.

Aubrey-- Happy Birthday!!!

Kris- Hate to say it but on the goldnecks, I think you need to sell them all....to me. and the porcelain roo too.
Not a Chance!

Hey I didnt know it was Aubreys Birthday....

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AUBREY!!! Hope it was a great one
I like Millie 33.
Thanks JJ, I wondered if she was to light? in color. Some of the millies seem to have a lot of white on them, and at this age, isnt it too soon to have so much? Dont know if you can tell, a couple of them have almost a completly white head. So that is a color marking question. As for type, Several look good in their pen, but in the house I saw them more upright and longer back. Maybe they really are long in back??
Color on Millies is alot more subjective than others I think. The standard for the hen calls for "rich golden buff" which to me is kind of light compared to the reddish ones. The males call for "light orange vermilion" I like the darker ones too but it's up to individual interpretation of the standard. To much white on a young bird will make a real white bird down the road. When I pick pullets for the breeding pen I will take the ones with the least white on the with the right shade of buff color, But I haven't been doing it that long so I may be wrong. 33 just has that round butterball look to her along with the 'U" shape back, good tail carriage and spread. Again just my opinion and I have been wrong alot.
Hi all...she and DH are okay but temporarily displaced. The birds are all safe and they are being taken care of in daily trips. But it looks to be some time yet before Cyn and DH can live in their home again. Power was restored enough to allow for heat lamps on her coops.

I will update you all when she cannot. As for me...been sick and down with my thyroid again and dropped back to 81 lbs so am dealing with that mess again. Thank heavens for my teenager Cheyenne because I could not have done my chicken chores without her.

I promise to post more from the HLH zone soon.
Hi all...she and DH are okay but temporarily displaced. The birds are all safe and they are being taken care of in daily trips. But it looks to be some time yet before Cyn and DH can live in their home again. Power was restored enough to allow for heat lamps on her coops.

I will update you all when she cannot. As for me...been sick and down with my thyroid again and dropped back to 81 lbs so am dealing with that mess again. Thank heavens for my teenager Cheyenne because I could not have done my chicken chores without her.

I promise to post more from the HLH zone soon.

Thanks for the update, Cetawin. Sorry you are not feeling well.

I am glad at least your electricity is on, Speckledhen. It sure it difficult to try to care for chickens without power.
Batch 1:
Gold neck Roo

Gold Neck hen 39

Gold Neck Hen 40

Porelain Roo

those goldenck hens are about as perfect colorwise as you can get. Little tweeking but they are right. Yes the male turned out WAY too white. I see what you were saying about him now. I would use the male millies over your girls and pick out the goldnecks to continue with. On goldneck you also have to remember their white spots will be twice that of a mille or porcelain because the black is being turned white too, so dont get too overly worried about big spots of white. Just like the tail, the hole thing pretty much will be white beacuse it's black on a mille.
The porcelain roo aint too shabby. Needs a bit more mottling, but that usually comes with their second year. You dont want any hevaily mottled in their first adult feathering, because they put on more up til they are 2, some times 3 years old. So a heavily mottled young bird will usually be overly white as an adult. Combs look decent on them too. Especially the goldenck girls. I like when they show a bit of comb and dont have a slicked off head.
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