d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

To Rustys displeasure your sweet and friendly too.
On a side note your namesake is one of the smartest birds I have. When I go out with feed she doesn't run to my feet. She flies over them and lands in the bucket where she stays and eats as I'm divying out the food.
On a side note your namesake is one of the smartest birds I have. When I go out with feed she doesn't run to my feet. She flies over them and lands in the bucket where she stays and eats as I'm divying out the food.

Of course, she's a genius! Smart gal.

Here is the feather footed chick-the comb is wide, not anywhere near as pink as the other two chicks' are, sweet and friendly, almost no color, almost pure buff. Wish it was a pullet, but that comb is pretty darn wide.

The larger Mille I was thinking you might want is getting his hackle color now, so handsome. I'm downloading videos of Rusty3 attacking my hand, LOL.

Here is the tiny brat:


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@K Epp Karen, the teensy cockerel is still kicking. He's definitely a Rusty3! He is so small but he is managing to keep on going in grand style. He and the largest mille are essentially clean legged so if you want both of them, you're welcome to them, or just the larger one if you don't want another already-determined Rusty clone. They're a month old so in a couple of weeks, I'm sure Carly will be letting go of them. She'd probably be fine with just one disappearing now but no rush on that. Have you figured out the sex of your clean legged chick yet?
And was your internet down for 24 hours? I have TDS and we were w/o for that long.

The biggest mille chick is on the left below- those hackles are coming in now.
LOL... you aren't going to believe this, but we don't have internet. I do everything on my phone. Makes it easy to control the kids internet doings. I don't gender on my chicks yet. Should be another week or so. Uh... No as fun as it sounds I don't want another Rusty. My quail roo is running a close race with Rusty #2. Mr Big britches spent the night outside last night. He roosted up in the top of the cherry tree.... The he stays in reach so I put her up at lock up. I left him out because I wasn't in the mood to deal with that. I think he was safe from everything, but maybe a owl where he was and I haven't heard any of those in a while. I was out strutting around this morning. Maybe when he realizes his hen will be locked up until I get time this afternoon he wont go so high.

I'll let you know when I figure out these babies.
LOL... you aren't going to believe this, but we don't have internet. I do everything on my phone. Makes it easy to control the kids internet doings. I don't gender on my chicks yet. Should be another week or so. Uh... No as fun as it sounds I don't want another Rusty. My quail roo is running a close race with Rusty #2. Mr Big britches spent the night outside last night. He roosted up in the top of the cherry tree.... The he stays in reach so I put her up at lock up. I left him out because I wasn't in the mood to deal with that. I think he was safe from everything, but maybe a owl where he was and I haven't heard any of those in a while. I was out strutting around this morning. Maybe when he realizes his hen will be locked up until I get time this afternoon he wont go so high.

I'll let you know when I figure out these babies.

I don't have a phone I can do internet on, just a Tracfone type thing with very little data on it. Can't afford it. And we stay here on the mtn most of the time, no signal here, can't make a call that doesn't get dropped.

That little tiny cockerel is so full of himself, he doesn't realize he's half the size of the other two males he hatched with. The feather legged one is very sweet, the largest one isn't mean, just doesn't like to be picked up but he will eat out of my hand just fine. The are all three different one from the other in personality.
i have some photos i HOPE i can upload. They are 1 week old d'anvers and wondering if anyone has an opinion on what the colors might be. also, the quail (i think) has very long wings already feathering in..very straight but the other 3, i think they are the secondary? they are much shorter on them. wondering if that is an indication of male/female? i know it is is WAY to early but the curiosity sets in early! they are just precious! These were a boggy bottom hatch from mail order eggs! thanks for opinions! joy

@joydix can't help you on those. I only know the milles and porcelains as far as color cues, but wide at the back combs are usually male. They almost always show themselves by a month to six weeks old.

By the way, Aimee is crowing. I mean actually crowing and doing a good job of it. As if I needed more of that around here.
Hi all,

I was wondering if you had any tips on hatching d'anvers. Last month I had six eggs in the incubator; 2 hatched (with help) and had one dead in the shell. And, of one of those chicks, I had to cull because it's legs were just so bad. :( Now, I'm day 22 of my second batch - only four eggs this time around as two got cracked in the mail. The first chick whizzed around and unzipped itself really quickly - a beautiful lavender/cream. The other three eggs - absolutely nothing, even though I know they're fertile.

I'm hatching polish bantams at the same time, and they're almost all out. I was just wondering whether d'anvers were known for being a little more fragile when it comes to hatching? It is still only day 22, so still more time, but there's no sign of pips at all, and everything else in the incubator has signs of movement.


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