d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

Gorgeous photos, ChickenGrass !

Pretty d'Anvers too,...especially the hen (hens?).

Taking good pics of chickens has not been my forte',...Sigh. Like Speckled Hen, I shoot MANY shots, before I come up with anything "postable/printable". Thank goodness for Digital.........
Gorgeous photos, ChickenGrass !

Pretty d'Anvers too,...especially the hen (hens?).

Taking good pics of chickens has not been my forte',...Sigh.  Like Speckled Hen, I shoot MANY shots, before I come up with anything "postable/printable".   Thank goodness for Digital.........

Thank you very much
Cynthia, found a chick in a project pen today and thought of you. A delaware colored d'Anver
Cynthia, found a chick in a project pen today and thought of you. A delaware colored d'Anver
Oh, cool! You know, Ladyhawk got a Columbian colored chick out of Rufus's pen-you recall he's the mille fleur D'Anver she begged off me a couple years ago. I can't figure for the life of me how that color happened in his pen. She's definitely a bantam, no hanky panky through the fence from her part Delaware large fowl rooster; genes sure confound sometimes.

It's been raining for 3 days straight. The three cockerels were locked up in a broody cage area in the Orp coop, away from all hens. Today, when I let them out, Jack zoomed out and immediately flew to the roof of the main coop, about 9 feet up, crowing his heart out and when he flew down, Sam did the exact same thing. Little Rusty3 is too small to go that high. Someone said she's coming tomorrow to take all three off my hands but we'll see. Sometimes, those deals just fizzle. I hope not. I really need them to have another home so poor Spike can stop figuratively wringing his hands and handing out smackdowns.
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Speckledhen said: You know, Ladyhawk got a Columbian colored chick out of Rufus's pen-you recall he's the mille fleur D'Anver she begged off me a couple years ago. I can't figure for the life of me how that color happened in his pen. She's definitely a bantam, no hanky panky through the fence from her part Delaware large fowl rooster; genes sure confound sometimes

JJ here is little Cassidy which Speckledhen speaks of...the pen is all MF d'anvers and one that is MF and Lavender d'anver ....


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She had to come from at least one un-mottled parent and picked up a silver gene from some one. A millie is a buff columbian that is mottled. If you add silver to the buff columbian you get columbian. Is she single combed, kinda looks it in the pic?
Been awhile since anyone posted on the thread. Sadly, I'm doing so to announce the loss of my Wrong Way Lucy. No idea what was wrong with her. She hasn't laid an egg in probably three years (she's about 4 yrs old), had those half height legs that prompted Aubrey to ask if I'd sell her for his Ohiki project-fat lot of good that would have done since she never really laid eggs nor did she allow any rooster to mate her. She was just lethargic and started losing weight and today, I buried my little Lucy Goosey.

Hatched early 2012, here she was as a young lady and later.

And you can spot Miss Wrong Way in this photo, can't you?


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