Dog lovers - post pics of your dogs!

We have a zoo, lol. 6 dogs, 5 cats, 26 chickens, 8 geese, and 7 ducks. Most of my day is spent caring for them all, but I love it and my garden.
Don't have all of these now but I had... 1 dog, 1 turtle, 2 mice, 2 guinea pigs, 12 chickens, 1 fish, and really want a cat. I have a garden also. Mind you this is all in the middle of town.
If I could I would add a bunch of cats, a bunch of dogs, a miniature goat, a milk cow, every chick my hens ever hatched, and guinea pigs because I don't have those at the moment. I can't though.
I spent about 3 days with both my min pins on a leash around the roosters, and pullets and after that they NORMALLY don't bother them...once in awhile one of the min pins will have an energy burst and want to chase them but once a reminder is given they go back to leaving them alone...I posted photos of the min pins earlier and since i changed by computer don't have the photos yet up cat on the other hand has never bothered the chickens at all infact spends close quality time with the roosters and go into their shed to drink !! I am very new to the chicken thing and it is proving a lot of fun. even the neighbors are getting into it....







The love of my life, Dani! No idea what kind of mix she is? PitbullxLab??? Who knows!! She is 80lbs and if you don't move fast enough will flop ontop of you and fall asleep. She follows me everywhere!!
here r my min pins...they are really getting good with the roosters...can't wait until i turn my 6 pullets out....they will really go crazy again....

between the chicks and the much for a garden lol....but it is surviving

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