Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

Haha he sounds like my dad! My dad calls my girls eggs poisonous. We get 5 eggs a day that are perfectly fine, and guess what, he buys eggs at the store! He refuses to hard boil my hens eggs for some reason and after he saw some specks of blood in an egg he was disgusted. I guess some people are just freaks like that. More for me.
Actually went back over there for Easter today and her mom requested that I bring over some deviled eggs. Her father still won't touch my girls eggs though.
They said its cool as long as we follow the rules.  

Anyways, so I've been dating a girl for over a month now and 2 weeks ago I gave her a dozen eggs from my girls.  Anyways, she says that her father wouldn't touch those eggs.  He doesn't even want to have them in something baked at home.  I told her she should whip up a batch of his favorite cookies, let him know full well that my girls eggs are in it, and see how long his resolves last.  I believe his deal is because the eggs weren't inspected and came from a farm I guess.  

However, what really got me was the fact that her mother this week threw out the last 6 eggs she had from me.  She thought they was going to go bad in the fridge because they've been there a week.   Odds are they were still fresher than the store bought eggs they bought at the store that day.  :eek: :barnie :th  

Haha he sounds like my dad! My dad calls my girls eggs poisonous. We get 5 eggs a day that are perfectly fine, and guess what, he buys eggs at the store! He refuses to hard boil my hens eggs for some reason and after he saw some specks of blood in an egg he was disgusted. I guess some people are just freaks like that. More for me. 

I've gotten blood spots in plenty of store eggs.

Want a ringing endorsement for home raised eggs?

I take lots of eggs down to my parents when I visit since Mom can't eat store eggs. Mom cooks eggs every day for Dad and the parrot no matter what eggs she has. Well she had just ran out after several weeks and got some store eggs. Dad didn't know that. So after he ate breakfast he told Mom to tell me that there was something wrong with this last batch because they tasted odd.

The Parrot took one bite of her scrambled eggs, spit it out, and refused to try eggs for a few weeks. She had to forget how my eggs tasted. This happens with the parrot each time Mom runs out of my eggs.
Our friends had someone who bought ducklings from them, the person put them in a Rubbermaid bucket and closed the lid. When they arrived home all the ducklings were dead. People, make sure animals can breathe! It drives me CRAZY!
Well it was a rooster tho. I have 6 hens and one rooster everyday I get 6 eggs. He was always doing his business with my hens.
Just b/c a particular bird is mounting the rest of the flock does not mean that it's a rooster. A dominant hen will often mount the other flock members, and may even crow. The fact that an egg came out of this bird is proof that it was not a roo. Do you have any pics of that bird before she got sick???
Hahahaha! PERFECT! Yesterday the husband and children were out of town for the day, to see his family. I always choose to stay home for these events because an entire day of solitude is not something I would give up. If I could have one day of every week like that....it would be a joy.

I'm there, except I get 7 days of solitude per week, not counting work. And, I'll retire June 1st of next year, 2018. Can't wait!! I got a case of cold feet, so put it off another year. Otherwise, I'd be retiring this year. But, the extra year is allowing me to pay off all my bills, so it's really a good thing.

My kids are grown and both husbands are "ex" husbands, so I come home to a quiet house every evening: I cook what I want, when I want, IF I want. No family obligations and no fights if I prefer to stay home. No making plans behind my back with family members, committing me to go see said family members, either, and no fights when I still refuse to go. Just peace and quiet. But, it sounds like you've got a good guy who understands your need for solitude, instead of resenting it. I'd keep him, if I were you.
I'm there, except I get 7 days of solitude per week, not counting work. And, I'll retire June 1st of next year, 2018. Can't wait!! I got a case of cold feet, so put it off another year. Otherwise, I'd be retiring this year. But, the extra year is allowing me to pay off all my bills, so it's really a good thing.

My kids are grown and both husbands are "ex" husbands, so I come home to a quiet house every evening: I cook what I want, when I want, IF I want. No family obligations and no fights if I prefer to stay home. No making plans behind my back with family members, committing me to go see said family members, either, and no fights when I still refuse to go. Just peace and quiet. But, it sounds like you've got a good guy who understands your need for solitude, instead of resenting it. I'd keep him, if I were you.

And this does sound nice lol
I don't really understand never visiting family?

But I guess everybody's different

I didn't say "never", but when I come home and am asked what I have going on such-and-such a date, then informed WE'RE going to visit with his family for 5 days and that the plans have been made, right down to a day by day itinerary, or that we're spending my only free weekend before Christmas with his daughter, I tend to buck up. I had nothing against his family - nice people. But, don't dictate to me how I'll be spending my free time. It'll lead to a problem, every time.

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